Embarrassing Problem

Hi all,
Very grateful to have finished treatment in April 2024 after 18 months of chemo, surgery & radiotherapy.
During chemo i had really bad constipation. I took syrup of fig daily, used a stool when going to the toilet & used Senna (recommended by oncologist) regularly.
Im just back from holiday, with a long flight (with lots of sitting down) & had the most painful backside when sitting. Had to take paracetamol for a couple of days as it was so sore.
Had a wee look in the mirror & i have the biggest piles ive ever seen, almost like a set of lips around my anus (apologies doe th3 graphic description). I am beyond mortified.
Have googled lots; im moving, drinking lots of water, eat pretty healthily with fruit and veg as my fibre and uaing haemorrhoid cream. Pain has subsided but still have one very enlarged vein.
Going to GP is not an option. Ive been poked & proded so much in the last 2 years its honestly an ordeal going anywhere near a doctors surgery. I cry when i get my 6 monthly bone strengthener.
Im not strong enough to go to th3 gp about this, physicall or mentally.
Has anyone had experience of this?
Can anyone recommend anything else incan do to get rid of them?

Dear Luskentyre1

So sorry to read how uncomfortable you are feeling, I can’t recommend any medication for piles. I suggest you call the GP surgery and asked to speak to the nurse, explain how your feeling, and hopefully they will be supportive of you, failing that, maybe the nurses on this site will be able to point you in the right direction.

Wishing you well, one day at a time at the moment, hopefully you will get stronger each day.

With the biggest hugs Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

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I once had a problem with this ( was like having a third buttock !) and was seeing a Homeopath at the time who gave me a remedy that was Aeschylus - worked really well . I think it’s horse chestnut - a health shop might be able to help but if it doesn’t go down you will need to seek help from your GP I’m afraid - sorry but you can get complications if they’re really bad. I have known people have to be admitted to Hospital so much better to try to sort it out before you get to that point. Xx

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Your gp should be able to prescribe Scheriproct without having to examine you. Comes as a cream and suppository.

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Have a warm bath for the pain and u could buy Anusol suppositories and Anusol cream from the chemist. If you don’t want to see the GP, just ask the pharmacist for a “private chat” and they’ll tell you what to buy. Had this years ago and still remember the pain! Good luck xxx

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Thanks everyone for the replies. Makes me feel a bit better that im not the only one.
Definitely not at the stage i can go to GP but will look into the medication mentioned and try to buy it over the counter.
So grateful to be cancer free, just need to get over this painful & mortifying hurdle.
Thanks for the support


Hi! I feel your pain, literally. Mine has gone a step further and I have a little tear inside. Pain like I have never experienced resulted in 3 days in hospital and a little procedure.
Do you have a bath? If you can, sit in a little warm water after every bowel movement. If you don’t have a bath you can buy sitz baths to put on the toilet. You can also get Anusol on Amazon. I would recommend asking your GP for Lidocaine or Instilagel. These are local anaesthetics. Hopefully your GP will prescribe if you just give them a brief explanation of the problem. I find Movicol very helpful to keep things moving…
I hope you find some relief soon!
Lynne xx

So sorry to hear you ended up in hospital with this. Hope you are on the mend. Will look put for movicol to see if it helps before i seek GP.
Thanks again for your reply & hope you recover soon