I have recently had surgery 9th December and am waiting to find out what treatment I will be having after the result come back from an ocotype text. I recieved an email this morning from work with an attached form , I have been asked to fill it in and return it. It is asking if they can write to my doctors to ask to look at my medical records. Is this something that is normally done, I feel its a bit early as I dont even know what treatment I will be having.
Hi, welcome to the forum ? Always seems and odd thing to say I know but everyone is very welcome on board!
I must say I’ve never heard of an employer asking to see your medical records and I certainly wouldn’t be in agreement, I may be wrong but I doubt they have any rights to either! I told my employer about my diagnosis but that was it , he certainly never asked any further information. Don’t feel pressured in to giving any information your not happy with and I would challenge their rights to it anyhow.
I hope you are recovering well from your surgery, there are various threads across the forum covering all manor of treatments so feel free to join in at any time Xx Jo
I thought that even if you wanted to read your own medical records as a patient, there are still certain procedures to go through. This seems terribly intrusive and insensitive of your employer. I know what I’d say! It’s not fair to give you this added stress. I hope you get this sorted soon.
I filled the form in as I had an email chasing up the form and they wanted it back. I have ticked the box stating I want to see asking to see what information they will receive. I have nothing to hide and have not prepared get stressed about it, so just let them get on with it, I am starting my radiotherapy in just over a week so I have enough to deal with xx
It does seem a bit early for them to be asking to see your medical records but as everyone’s said they are permitted to do so.
Hopefully they are genuine and are looking to understand your situation and plan for your return. Don’t forget you are protected under the disability act.
I too am going through this with my employers of 18 years!!! They got my go records with my permission and have now asked for the onco report!! Honestly they have no idea of the stress they are piling on when I’m already going through this traumatic time! They did a home visit less than 4 weeks after my op and now want to do another one with the company’s HR consultant!! Oh and have said I must inform them if anyone else will be there. Furious!! Of course my hubby will be here he LIVES here!! Anyway I’ve told them the visit can wait until I’ve finished rads. Have enough to worry about! I might add I never take time off sick and i have dragged myself there when I’ve really felt rubbish! Not anymore!! Would love to retire but can’t as the SSP age has been raised to 66!!
I’m so sorry that you have to deal with this on top of everything else. As Blue Monday has said, surely the sick note says it all. I’ve sent my manager regular sick notes and a phone call here and there and he has told me to take as long as I need. HR have not requested any further information.
Breast Cancer Haven run a free Employment Law Seminar and one of the areas covered is 'Rights to privacy and confidentially - what should HR, Occupational Health and yr manager be told about your diagnosis’.
Its worth going along if you are close to a Haven centre.
Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to compose such a comprehensive and sympathetic response to this post seabreeze. I wish every employer could actually read this. They may rethink the way they treat their employees who are going through this difficult process. Thank you again I gave taken it all on board and I will refer to it as and when. Take care xxx
Hi ladies, I would really like to add a different perspective to this conversation as a breast cancer patient with recently diagnosed bone mets who works in HR!
Please don’t presume that these requests to see medical records are automatically sinister. Your employer has an obligation to ensure that your workplace is safe for you and that it will not cause you any additional stress or complications. Unless you work in oncology you cannot expect your employer to understand the limitations of your condition so they need to ask for professional advice.
Any employer should be keen to support you and get you back to work when it is appropriate for you. In the meantime they have a business to run and need your work to be done by someone. So they need more info on your condition to decide whether your colleagues can shoulder the burden of extra work or if they need to employ additional temporary cover.
To be honest, if they decide they need temporary cover that indicates the importance of your role and theealidity of your employment. X
I appreciate that there are some unscrupulous employers out there, in which case please involve your union , ACAS or nmjuu
Wondering how things have gone for you BlueMonday? I have another visit scheduled at home for next Monday from my manager and she’s bringing a HR consultant with her. Did you get anywhere with your medical records and employer?
I didn’t hear any more after I sent the form back, I am not back at work yet but will ask questions when I do go back which will be probably after Easter now, I don’t understand why they went to the trouble of getting me to fill it in and not presuing it. Hope things go well with you .
Hi I just had the 2nd home visit from my manager and HR consultant. They had just received the surgeons report this morning and brought a copy with them so I managed to see it! It didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know but was s bit perturbed when it said ok for work 4 weeks after end of rads!! Told them that’s now and no way am I going back until I have had follow up with radiotherapy oncologist at least. Then I will have to be referred back to surgeon before I can obtain got note from my gp!! So they suggested I take my annual leave to prevent me going down to half pay. But I am already applying for full pay to continue which is something my company allows under certain circumstances. Even if they don’t allow me go have full pay I am not wasting valuable annual leave so I will take it after I am fit for work!! They weren’t happy but tough!! 18 years at 120 percent they have had from me so I think they owe me this!!
My boss suggested changing my work pattern so I don’t work the first week of the month (when I have zometa infusion which knocks me out for a few day) and then work my usual 24 hours Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri for the remaining weeks.
I currently have 1-2 days paid sick leave so not sure that this works. I had a meeting with occupational healthy this morning so will see what they suggest.
Just thought I’d update on my situation. I am still off work having now been told see you in a year’s time by onco and return to your gp for fit note etc. Had another meeting last week with manager last week but at work this time. They are obviously keen to get me back to work and asked for definitereturn date and reminded me I am on half pay! Told them not up to me or you in listening to my medical advisors!! So now my sick note had again run out off I trot this morning to gp. Only ended up with yet another sick note for 2 month! She said NO you need time to fully recover and 7 months is no enough! Ok I wasn’t going to argue. Looking at phased return in August. Manager won’t like it at all but hey ho!!! Hope you are all well and happy ???