I havent been on site for a long while. I had my 5 year check up in October and have been signed off by the Consultant but have got to have yearly mammograms until I’m 50. I see the Oncologist in April and hopefully will be signed off.
I knew I would have problems with my employers when I was diagnosed and consulted the Macmillan representative at Citizen Advice, who were brillant. My employer was fine to start with and carried on paying me for 6 months. After Radiotherapy they started to be funny as they thought I should be back at work, my GP wrote to them and put them well and truely in there place. I started back on phased schedule and I was dreading it, but I was welcomed back with open arms.
Ever since I’ve had the occasionally comment over my time off then and hospital appointments (which I’ve made up the time for).
But now its like they’ve done me a major honour in keeping me employed and I’m in there debt.
Anyone else experienced this?