Hi Ladies
My GP has referred me under the 2 week rule for a endometrial biopsy and I am trying to remain calm and convince myself that she is just doing so to reassure me but … don’t want to be back in the waiting room!
sending you some cyber (((HUGS))). Im praying its nothing.
That waiting room is a horrid place to be at, don’t we all know it so were are here to see you through it.
What were your symptoms which led you to the doctor?
Thank you Libralady
Symptoms a bit vague but lots of discomfort in my lower abdomen and a little bleeding after sex …I honestly think she is trying to put my mind at rest but have been feeling a bit panicky since the “2 week rule” was mentioned.
Obviously my past experience with biopsies isn’t a positive one
Yes I totally understand. I had strange abdo pains which started back in October, then back pains etc then I had a constant white discharge which continues. I was totally convinced I had ovarian issues as the pains started before chemo so couldn’t put it down to that. Anyway my ONC sent me for a CT scan which was clear. I questioned him to death and wanted clarity he hadn’t missed anything but they assured me if I had any gyne cancers it would have shown on CT.
My GP then gave me an early cervical smear after I found a small lump on my cervix. I check my IUD string months and found a small bump/lump. She also did swabs which came back clear 2 weeks ago. along with a clear smear result. Don’t know what the heck it is - maybe just hormonal changes, she said in looking the lump looked like a little ulcer which can come an go but they are going to watch it for me. If it hasn’t gone in 3 months they will also refer me for a vaginal ultrasound.
It never ends does it…constant flipping worry, and we always think the worst after a DX of breast cancer.
I wish you well hun. Lets be positive about this.
I had to have an endometrial biopsy in 2006 after 4 months of tamoxifen… Had endometrial thickening but nothing else sinister and had a hysteroscopy D and C and insertion of a mirena coil.
If your due a smear it’s prob worthwhile having that done and a swab for chlamydia if you have a new partner… If you are using any hormonal contraception that can also break though bleeding or post coital bleeding stoat may need altered.
Glad they aren’t going to keep you waiting too long for your appointment and fingers crossed that all is ok.
Lulu xx
Good luck Queenie the others have said everything already.
Hi everyone
Thanks for all the support and advice
I have already had a whole load of blood tests which thankfully came back absolutely normal, it’s only eighteen months since my last smear but my GP has arranged for me to have another. I’ve been with my husband since I was a teenager so I’m alright there!!
I’m hoping that my appt when I get it will be for a one stop clinic … I believe the hospital I’m going to has one
You are totally right Libralady… It never ends…when do we stop thinking that every niggle or pain is a new cancer or our breast cancer returning?