Enlarged ovarian cyst

Hi Ladies, I had mx last May and have been on tam for 10 months. I was er+. For about 8 weeks I have been having pain in my stomach, my gp referred me last week and I was given an ultrasound today. I was told that I have an enlarged cyst on my ovary and I will have to return and have another scan done in a few weeks to see if it has grown and if so then further investigation will be needed. I asked if this was related to the tam and she didnt know either. Has anyone had this and if so did you have any treatment or have them removed. Sorry to babble. Take Care. Michelle x

Hi Michelle

I have been on Tamoxifen for about 8 months now and i too after a pelvic ultrasound had a large ovarian cyst on each ovary.
I went into total panic thinking the worst and ended up with an emergency appointment with the gyno and oncologist. After a second scan both had gone. According to the onco and gyno it is normal and quite common to have these cysts that still can come and go even though periods have stopped.

Mel x

Hey thanks Mel, I have read tonight that these cysts seem to be quite common. You do think the worst at every niggle or pain! thanks for the reply x

Just before my bc diagnosis, I had some pm bleeding as was referred urgently for an MRI scan of the ovaries. I had 2 large cysts either side (with weird names) but both benign.

I was told they would self-resolve and no treatment was needed, what a relief, but than 1 month later bc.

At least I’d had a scan in that area and it was all clear. Now I am waiting for an op to tighten pelvic floor. Is delayed.

Ido think cysts are very common. So I wouldn’t worry too much. It that’s poss, know easier said then done though.

Wintersocks XX

Thanks Wintersocks, I know that your mind goes into overdrive with any little twinge. I did do the dreaded last night and googled but that confused me even more! Just had a phone call to go and ‘discuss’ nect Tuesday morning. Thanks and Take Care Michelle x