Er- hr2- Pr+. ???

Hi all 3 n half yeathe since diagnosis and I thought I was triple negative just found out I’m er- hr2- pr+ I haven’t had any treatment. After my chemo and rads and have had conflicting comments about a more a coil I had fitted 4 yes ago but today was told I should have it taken out as it has progesterone and I’m positive for that so I will but what does this mean I can’t find any info on this regime it doesn’t seem to be very common and how does this effect my prognosis any advice appreciated rozita x


Hi Rozita
I had a mirena coil in when I was diagnosed with DCIS high grade. When you read the information leaflet about the coil it says to have it removed if there is a diagnosis of breast cancer. However, when I asked my consultant what to do she was very ambivalent about the whole thing and left it up to me as to what to do. I decided to be on the safe side and I had it removed.
Mirena’s contain progesterone and a tiny proportion of it gets into the circulation. I guess its your decision what to do.

Jane x


Hi Rozita

You are welcome to call our helpliners to talk this over, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturday on 0808 800 6000

Best wishes


Hi Rozita
Sorry I can’t give you any advice about the coil but I am er- pr+ and Her2+. er- pr+ is pretty rare. I was given tamoxifen for 5 years because of being pr+. Onc wasn’t sure whether I would gain any benefit but we went with it - they simply don’t know. Since you are 3 years out from dx I am not sure whether they would put you on tamoxifen now but always worth asking - depends whether you are premenopausal of course. It would also depend I guess on how highly pr+ you were - my reading was 89%. As I say, not much help but didn’t want you to think you were on your own. Love xxx

Hi Rozita,
I’m ER positive and had a mirena coil in,my surgeon told me to have it taken out asp as it was feeding my BC. I have had my WLE and SNB and will be starting chemo tomorro, then rad then tamoxifin for 5 years but was told yesterday it could be 10yrs.
Deedee xx