Hi all,
I am pre-surgery and I know my tumour is ER & PR negative. I have been told that it will be tested again after surgery and I will also be told my HER status. I would really appreciate hearing from anyone who has been in this position

Hi chatterbox
There are alot of triple neg girls about all of a sudden!!! I was dx as trip neg last week - by HER2 also being negative. Basically means no hormone drugs for me - just chemo (start tomorrow) then mast then rads. Loads of info popping up on this site in the last couple of days - have a look at the thread started by Lynne007, there is loads of stuff to read on that one!
Some advice though - don’t trawl through other internet sites or ‘google’ things, it can freak you out, and some of the info is out of date too.
Take care

Hi chatterbox,

as per my thread, there is some good info on there.

As bestie(ali) says internet sites fry your brain. ive been dx and had my WLE and a few nodes removed - go back for results on Monday fingers crossed.

what about you?