ER- Does anyone know of any treatments for ER- tumours? After being on Tamoxifen for 5 years my Onc said my type of tumour wouldn’t benefit
from it, but offered no other alternative.


er and pr -Hi Adi

Do you know if you are pr+ (progesterone positive.) I think you probaby are and this is why you have been having tamoxifen.

When tumours are both er- and pr- tamoxifen is not a suitable treatment because the cancer is not driven by hormones.

I think you should ask your oncologist if there are any drugs suitable for you if you are pr+.

I do know that if you are both pr- and er- there are no further treatments for primary bc other than surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In the event of a recurrence there are other chemo options and more radiotherapy for some kinds of recurrences.

It is relatively unusual to be er- and pr+ so hope you get some replies from other people with this same kind of breast cancer

Best wishes


JaneRA Thanks Jane for your prompt reply. I’m due to see my Onc on 28th December so will ask more questions then. I think I’m probably hr- as the chap I saw last said Tamoxifen won’t help…after taking them for 5 years.


— oops I meant pr- not hr-

er - pr+ Hi,
I would be most interested to hear further about this, as I am also er-, pr+ and HER +++
I have been told that following mastectomy and reconstruction in Sept 05, no further treatment is needed. Does Arimidex get used for pr+? I can’t have Tamoxifen due to previous DVT
I want to bring this up with my onc, also on 28th Dec!!! (same clinic? I wonder)

Her + I would have thought you need to know if you’re Her positive. Maybe you weren’t tested for it. If you are then I would think Herceptin should be funded for you.