ER3, do I really need Tamoxifen

I am unsure what to decide, about tamoxifen and seeing oncologist tomorrow. I have been found to have osteoporosis so defintely do not want to take Aromatase. Advice please

Bumping up for susanmary

Hi SusanMary, I’m not exactly sure what you are asking about Tamoxifen, but I think there may be two things (1) is it worth while if your ER is 3/8 and (2) how does it impact your osteoporosis.

In answer to the first of those, they will probalby also have looked at your PR+ score, as althoguh Tamoxifen etc target oestrogen, seemingly they are beneficial for PR+ too.

In answer to the second, my understanding is that Tamoxifen is actually ‘good’ for bones in this respect, with trials showing a reduced likelihood of fractures in post menopausal women.

I am sure your oncologist can clarify both of these for you, and advise you on the anticipated benefit of Tamoxifen once account has been taken of the full pathology fo your cancer.

Hope that helps a little bit, and all goes well for you.

Thank you for the information Revcat, and for managing to decipher my post correctly. I did not know that Tamoxifen is good for bones. Hormone treament was not dealt with when I saw the oncologist as my skin problems from the rads were more urgent, so discussion re Tamoxifen will take place in 2 weeks time.
I appreciate your advice.