

Actually I was replying to you but it’s quite late and I’m not at my best so was struggling with it. So sorry that you find yourself here and for your bereavements - you must be very scared right now . At 8am the helpline opens and it might help to talk it through with the Nurses - many people have the investigations you are due to have but I didn’t so I can’t tell you what to expect .

I lost my Mum a few months before diagnosis - so I know how that feels . I won’t have time to answer a post tomorrow I don’t think but I’m sure someone else will.

With love

Hi J, sorry I deleted so quickly i thought maybe this isnt for me. I have been so anxious & never since i was told my heads a mess and dont have anyone to talk to about it. I suppose i must give this time instead of being scared,

Thank you for responding

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I get it you are hurting and scared and we have all been there believe me . It’s hard at the stage you are at because you don’t have a plan - you are relying on other people to tell what you are doing next . The lack of control and the not knowing gets to everyone believe me - try to stay busy , confide in a good friend do something that makes you happy that will give you a bit of mental space from it and take a day at a time . Come back on if you need to vent and ring the helpline tomorrow if you need more information.

I had a bad experience in the past with forums with another health conditions so didn’t join this one until after surgery and radiotherapy but I wish I had joined sooner as I think I would have felt less alone and I’ve picked up a lot of info. Don’t delve too deeply here until you know what you’re dealing with. That goes for Google as well.

I’m a night owl but I’m turning in now and hope you can also get some rest .

Joanne. X

Hi Paula! If you still need someone to talk to, we’re here.

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Hi @paulaxxx79

Not sure how you’re doing today or if you think you might want to be on the forum - it can be a bit overwhelming at first so no pressure . If it’s not for you or not right now then that’s fine . However the other lady - Kay who came on to say to you is very knowledgeable and good at explaining things . I’m sure she wouldn’t mind me recommending her - she is a good person to ask if you have questions .

Joanne x

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Hi Jo, thank you for reaching out to me again. I have questioned whether things are too early and I may not know as much as others on here and don’t want to say the wrong thing… im finding it really hard to accept what is actually happening. If my mind goes off it for a min or 2 im like, ive got cancer! Its such as a shock.

I have my full body pet scan this Saturday followed by my breast mri the Saturday after then a meeting with consultant on the 15th. Im trying to think positive till then but my heads shattered and i feel so tired & exhausted with it all xx


Thank you kay. Xx

Some of us think this waiting is the hardest part - I had my moments with it too .

Joanne x

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I keep you updated how things go. & wud be thankful for any advice or knowledge you could give when i know what im dealing with xx thank you


That’s perfectly fine - and do not be worried worry about saying something wrong .

Take care
Jo x

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Thank you, Joanne, for the compliment but yes, Paula, if you have any questions I’ll be glad to help anyway I can.

It’s true I’ve learned a lot from reading your posts .

Hello Paulaxxx79

Please please please never ever think you know less or more on this subject matter than anyone else. We are all our own experts in our own health. There is no right or wrong, and everyday is a learning process for us all, whether that be day one or years later.

Finding acceptance hard is a natural response to things that shock us, it’s natural to recoil at something so scary to think about or even comprehend. Your brain is in survival mode and it’s saying just cope until you know more……

That’s all you need to do, Breathe and cope, you can do nothing more until you know what your actually dealing with, but what your experiencing is totally natural.

Good luck with your upcoming tests, and then your consultation meeting on the 15th….if you can, find moments to relax whenever you can, long baths, listen to music, go for walks, and just keep breathing in and out……it really does help you relax, which lessens some of the anxiety you feel…
Don’t forget we were all new to this experience we’ve all felt and often still feel like you do……just talk it out, it really does help

Take care if you


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Well I’m glad :slight_smile: It makes it worth while to share if it helps someone else.