Hi everyone
Well i went for my appointment last tuesday. I was referred because of a flat nipple and have had mastistis in the past. Anyway the mammo showed an area behind the nipple and also a lump deep in the breast. Neither are very big. 13mm and 8mm. Anyway had an fna. Results were unclear, not enough cells. So im back to the clinic on thursay for a large core needle biopsy. So just got to wait now and see what happens.
hi, hope you are not worried about the core biopsy, I had that and the fine needle biopsy and the core biopsy was quicker and less stressful. I have a problem with metal and I could certainly cope with it again.
i Hope you are worried that the fact you need a core biopsy means your condition is more serious. you still have the same lump, the FNB did not give them any info and so they need to do another test to try and get the info they need.
Its more likely that the longer you have to wait for results the more time your mind has to go over things and worry about what might be wrong. Thursday must seem so long away, and personally I find weekends are a bad time because I am not as busy.
I dont know if your clinic is one stop or you have to wait another week for results.
You have done the right thing coming back on here though, people are realy kind and help you through it. My husband loves me using it because he knows I would be twisting his ear instead if I did not. Its good to share with other people going through the same thing, or who remember what it was like
Hi Sarah although the FNA cant get a Good lump of it … it is still quite promising that the FNA was clear I had this fist time round & had some abnormal cells so had to have a biopsy , can understand the worry though
keeping everything crossed for you
Mekala xx