Evening Ladies

Good evening my friends,

How have you all been today??

Will keep this short and sweet so you can all join in on the chat.

Well thats all mine off to nursery and school now
YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! peace and quiet lol
Adam started new nursery yesterday, Thomas back to high school this morning and Ben started primary school today. Started off well… he got in line walked to the doors waving…turned around and all hell broke loose, he started running across the yard arms in air, bags flying everywhere, screaming ‘MUMMY I NEED YOU’ and crying his eyes out. well i was always told he was a mummys boy lol. The head teacher just took him off me and marched him into class lol.

So i had 2 full hours without any kids… but did have my mother !!!

Quick question… the hospital said i had to have 2 weeks at least off work and gave me a sick note for 2 weeks. Am i silly going back after 1 week or should i have the 2 off like they have said. Plus would my GP go against the surgeons advice and sign me off to go back??

love u all
claire xxx

Hi Claire

If you are signed off, your work prob. won’t let you go back, as I think affects their insurance if you had an accident or something. You should take all the time they have told you, as you probably need this to recooperate properly and get your body over the op, as it is very traumatic for your bod to have big operations etc. Very much doubt your GP would overrule the surgeon either, probably not worth his job.

But I am no expert on this, but have had a fair few ops over the years, ears, appendix, tonsils etc, and remember people telling me this and once work too. Not that I wanted to rush back …

Poor little Adam (presume it was him crying), I hope he was OK once he had been there for few mins. Got this all to come Monday week, as Sophie is going to a new preschool, attached to local primary, and her BEST friend is on hols for the first week. Oh my God … she is going to go ballistic. Hubby is taking her, and if I am feeling OK and not emotional will go too, but depends on how I am really. Not sure if can cope with her getting so upset, as probably set me off as my emotions a bit up and down.

Hope tomorrow is better for you. Did the other 2 enjoy their days. Bet it was well weird without any of them there.

Take care

Hi Claire and Dawn

Can I join in too: just posted a little explanation re my new name. Anyway, lots happening here. Going to see my Dad tomorrow, he is very ill, I need to get to see him before anything happens as I will never forgive myself if I dont. Not looking forward to it though as he has advanced cancer, started in his prostate, I will not say anything more, you don’t want or need to know the details. He will be 76 next birthday so has had a good life. Hubby looking after our son. Going by train as I don’t think I will be in a fit state to drive so will be on my own. I love my Dad to bits and I am finding this so incredibly difficult as it is a bit too close to what could happen to me. The fear is always there and when I am trying to be positive I see my Dad and its hard. Anyway, I am not the only one who has problems and I find it helps me to help others. Speak to you soon, will talk to you tomorrow night after I have seen him.

Love K

No it was Ben that was screaming ( the middle one… HES 4)… adam is so chilled (hes like me) he would go anywhere with anyone lol
I didnt but did want to take ben today cos didnt want to start crying in school yard and looka fool lol

Not weird hun… BLISS

claire xxx

Hi K,

Always welcome to join in. Im so sorry to here about your dear dad. I can even to begin to know what you are going through at the moment. Try please to remember that we are all your friends and are here all the time for you so please come and find us if you need someone.
You take care tomorrow on the train and give your dad my wishes and a little cuddle from me.
lots of love and extra special hugs
love claire xxxxxxxxx
Just off to find why you changed your name xx

Hi K and Claire

Kelly I am really sorry to hear about your Dad. I can imagine a little how hard it is for you, although not all, as lost my mum 3 years ago to a sudden brain tumour, very unexpected and we only knew 10 days before she died, the only blessing was she never really knew, and she was only 60, but I never got to say goodbye, as she was in France.

I hope you are OK tomorrow, but sad that you have to go on your own, as probably not best for you, but very wise to go on the train and not drive. I will be thinking of you and hope that you are OK. Give your dad my wishes too. Let us know how you are when you are home if you can, but otherwise leave it to you are feeling stronger. Although you know we will cry with you, laugh with your or just listen to you, don’t you. Thinking of you.


Kelly, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Dad.

I lost my Dad suddenly last year. We were very close too so I have an idea of how you must be feeling.

Take care, hon,
love, beano x

Good Evening ladies,

K I’m sorry to hear about your dad, it cant be easy for you to see him when he’s so ill. I have never lost a parent, well, not through death anyway, (long and boring story) so I can’t begin to imagine how difficult it is for you. My stepdad (who I regard as my father) had a prostate cancer scare a few years ago, and that was a difficult time, but it turned out to be a hernia… pillock!!! Only kidding, love him really!

I think you are doing the right thing also going on the train,

Thinking of you hun, I’m sorry, I’m really bad at saying the right thing and saying what I mean, especially when its already been said.

Love to you, hope everyone’s ok

Claire and Dawn, hope you two are ok too, and LJ, thinking of you too.

Love Heidi xx

Hi Everyone on here who has sent me their love and kindness

Well, I am back home and what a day it has been. So glad I got the train and didn’t drive. Thank you all so much for your thoughts, it means a lot to me. When I first saw Dad, yes I know he is ill, he is very frail, weighs 8st 5lbs, in a lot of pain, but my first impression “what’s the panic”. I sat on the bed with him talking and was just savouring every moment, all of a sudden he had a funny turn, I thought he was going to die there and then, I can’t describe how I felt, I am so much closer to my Dad than my Mum, perhaps one day I will explain why, what will I do when he goes?

Someone very close to me gave me the following which I thought may help a lot of you out there too:

You can shed tears that he is gone
Or you can smile because he has lived
You can close your eyes and pray that he’ll come bvack
Or you can open your eyes and see all that he’s left
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him
Or you can be full of the love you shared
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live for yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday
You can rmember him and only that he’s gone
Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what he’s want
Smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

I’ll try and copy this to Cee too.

Its also my 26th wedding anniversary today, makes me and my hubby cherish what we have together, never know when it may be gone.

Hope you are all OK, great news Claire about your results day, hope it will be good news.

Dawn, how are you, are you getting used to the “false hair” - trying to say a different term to “Wig” - its so hard writing things down as sometimes they come across as being rude instead of trying to make one laugh!!

Heidi, thank you too, my Dad illness started with prostate cancer, got it sorted but then started to have stomach pains, he was too scared to go back to the doctor, by the time he did, over a year later, it was too late.

Beano, I sympathise with you, is it harder when they have actually gone, I can’t imagine.

Hi K and Everyone else

Sorry wasn’t on line last night, but went on a bit of a downer (yeah another one!).

K, hope you are OK - your poem is beautiful and bought a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat, nealy got me going. It is so lovely, touching and very very true. I am glad you had a good day seeing your dad yesterday, hard as it is to see him in pain, your being there probably gave him so much more than you could imagine. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY too for today - hope you are going to do something nice and special with your hubby. Wow 26 years - can’t imagine being married for that long. I will be celebrating 5 years next week, late starter I was. Anyway, let us know how you are today.

Claire, not long now til your results, think you said 12. I go to the onc that day too. I will be praying that you have the best results every. Hope you are feeling OK and resting lots too, and making sure you are on the mend properly.

LJ - hope you are good today and recovering from your op. When do you get your results - hope that they are the best too.

Heidi thanks for your msg. Am doing Ok, as said bit of a downer, but not had one for about 2 weeks I think, so can’t moan. Just want my cold to disappear and make sure I am OK for next chemo. But got 2 weeks to get over it.

Beano - hope you are OK. I too know what it is like to lose a parent suddenly, my mum died 3 years ago of a brain tumour but we only found out 10 days before she died and unfortunately she was in France (very long story) and so didn’t get to say goodbye. But it is hard, especially at times like now when we need our parents.

Anyway all, enough from me. Hope everyone is doing OK and catch up later. Sorry for rambling a bit.


Hi Dawn

Tell me your secret, how do you manage to be so positive even when you are feeling so low, I do try but feel that I am not doing as good as I should, suppose its everything to do with my Dad (posted a blubbery message a few minutes ago), the tablets, menopause, being so tired and the fact I am now 50, underneath it all I still feel like my mid 20s but when I look in the mirror and hey my body gives it away!! Do you find too that when you are feeling miserable everything else goes wrong - or is it just because we are miserable that we are more sensitive. I have noticed though that we all seem to bounce back stronger after each little episode of reality - am I making sense. Its hard for me to see what I am typing with tears in my eyes, can’t stop thinking of my Dad, wish I could be with him but can’t because of my son. Mum and Dad are very good, they have said that it was their decision to move so far away (they used to live 6 minutes away in the car, now they are almost 2 hours away) and that they completely understand the responsibilities at home and its not easy. I feel really selfish as if they were still around the corner I could do so much more to help them.

Anywayy, had better go, my son is still in the land of nod so had better get him back into the land of the living!

Love K

What a blessing that we can identify with each so well.

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words about my Dad. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.

You lot here on this forum are among my most cherished friends.

beano xxxxxxx