Evening xx

Hi Claire and Everyone

Really don’t know what to say. At this time you don’t need all these extra problems but by the time you go into hospital be aware that this time is for you, take advantage of the care and attention you will get from the nurses and make sure that you tell your family that they are to put their own problems aside and care for you. Hopefully they will see what a wonderfull wife and mother you are and you need their support and love more than anything.

Love Jan

Thank you Jan x

Well as usual his dad didnt turn up !!! had more important things to do like help a friend lay a floor. That just sums him up really. I tried to have a chat to him but he wasnt interested and just walked away with an attitude. Fell like im flogging a dead horse. Even had the cheek to ask me if i would buy him a bike today!!!

Oh well will just have to see what tomorrow brings.

How has everyone else been today… anyone had an exciting day.
1 more week till they all go back to school yipeeeeeeeee. Would like to say it will give me time to get over op but will have to trail them all to different schools and then put up with mother all day every day lol…god i must of been someone bad in my past life lol.
claire xx

Hi Claire

sorry things didnt go any better for you today!! like you said try again tomorrow, failing that, is your mum a tough lady? can she have a few words.
Cheek of your lad asking for a bike, i really hope your not considering giving him anything! I see youve had lots of supporting posts on here which is great, it must of given you some ideas.

my son starts school mid sept, and has to do stupid hours to being with 9.15 - 12, doesnt even stay for lunch they think that doing till three is a long day for him even though he goes to nursery 9-5!!! so it means that i cant find work in the week until he does a full day as i dont have any family near by as im from the north and living in cambridgeshire, there’s also the school holidays to consider, im currently working the weekends and had to work today so nothing exciting for me today. I would also like to say roll on till he is 13 so that he doesnt need a child minder but that age doesnt sound much fun either.

And enjoy being spoilt by your mum, you really do need to take things easy after an op, dont rush anything, look after yourself and put yourself first for once.

take care


Good evening claire!!

I’m sorry it didn’t work!! Cheeky little monkey asking for a bike after that…but hey thats kids!! mine go back to school on thursday this week :frowning: I’m really sad as I am really going to miss them… will need the recovery time next week I agree but I really hate them going to school as I like doing things with them…even when they drive me mad LOL

As for being someone bad …I keep wondering if I was jack the ripper as I seem to get a lot of s**t thrown my way in life…but I just don’t get it either LOL

But I do know you and I are both good people and good wifes and good mums so guess we just are a litle unlucky!! But with bad always comes good!! So after this week look forward to some good!!!

Sending you big hugs LJ xxxxxxxxxxxxx

My middle one starts next week too… 1pm-3.15
They said the same about him but he has been in nursery since being 1 1/2 so used to it. The little one is back in nursery but all day as i will be back to work asap.
Have you thought of working in a school/college as you get all the holidays off… i would never do anything else and love it.

claire xx

Im that much in a run of bad luck iv skipped ww tonight as i would of prob of put on and feel bad enough without paying for someone to tell me im fat lol. But like you said it has got to turn somewhere.
Good god has anyone seen Dog the bounty hunter… well i feel like iv only got peanuts for boobs next to the size of dogs wife Beth… they must be some knickers she has on… goodness you would never like to cross that woman, would punch ur lights in lol.


I think those jobs are rare and then usually snapped up by someone on the inside who’s best friends with a parent, im not clicky enough to be in any of the mums gangs at his new school, ha ha. When you have kids you dont think of all these things do you, like all the sickness they get and having to pick them up from nursery because theyve sneezed and it could be contagious!!! The world is going mad.


dog the bounty hunter???

Hey?? am i missing something?

well I think I am too …claire what is this???

Its on bravo on sky.
He is a bounty hunter that everyone is ment to be scared off but he is like a kitten compared to his wife Beth. If you have sky its on now.
Tracey, you can normally get the jobs off the council website or your local paper.


Evening ladies,

I can’t help noticing that most of us here seem to have had more than our share of stuff to deal with. But I also can’t help noticing that we all have so much love and support to give. Our trials seem to have given us the strength and compassion to help other people, don’t you think?

Love and hugs,
beano x

Claire, you will be Beth one day and you will have your ex and son sh*t scared of you, it will happen honest, ive seen it before, how about you take some tae-bo lessons or buy the dvd, a good start for turning into Beth.

Beano, your absolutely right, even through tough tough times we would always find the time to help others

Your so so right beano, But isnt it normal that people who are kind and caring get a rough deal from other people,

I would but the thought of me kicking my legs that high…ouch i would do more damage to myself lol.

I agree Beano!!!

But I was just saying to my one loyal friend earlier …this time last year and for years I have had lots of so called good friends who I have given my sole attention love and support to and to the point where I miss out or am somehow inconvienianced …not once would I ask for anything in return or moan…yet now I need them they are no where to be seen just 2 loyal remain!!! 2 more than some have maybe but it still hurts

Never mind we will ALL survive!!! and I thank god for finding you ladies xxx

My hubby’s favourite saying is “Lord protect me from my friends, my enemies I know”. Its only in time of real trouble that we find out who our true friends are so in a way its a blessing. You can now give your time, efforts and energies to those who really deserve your friendship without feeling guilty.

Love Jan

I went through absolute hell with my elder son and a friend said somethng that I never forgot.She said that even if your child seems to hate you, keep telling them that you love them even if you are having a bad time.Try to touch them if you can even a hand on the shoulder. I know this sounds twee but I did try to keep in mind that this is my son,i do love him and pray that he comes through.

Yeah thanks lady’s thats so true the true friends I have deserve more time and I do tell them how much I appreciate them!

guess with regard to Our kids love does make a big difference I’m always cuddling mine…guess thats why he is taking my op so hard as he knows for a few days I won’t be able to…will still touch him tho as you suggested and hold his hand…he is very loving but also can be a real test of patience!!

hope you are all well today xx