Everolimus (Afinitor)

Hi everyone.
I have just started taking Everolimus (2 weeks ago) for an indefinate period and am suffering from the most chronic mouth ulcers making it difficult to eat and even talk. I was wondering if anyone has any experience of this drug and it’s side effects and if they reduce as the body gets used to them. Also any helpful tips for mouth ulcers.
Thanks in advance

Bump xx

Hi sbrill
I have been on everolimus/exestamene for 5 months now…due to start session 6 next week.I had such bad mouth ulcers that I had my dosage reduced to 5mg.
I found salt water/corsodyl mouthwash worked best along with taking disprin for the pain (recommended by my onc).Was also told to use baby toothbrush and toothpaste.

If you look on the left hand side of the index and look down to secondaries,click on medical issues and you will find a thread about everolimus side effects.I will bump the thread up for you.you wll find there are quite a few ocf us on the same treatment and we have all had varying se’s.

my last ct scan showed improvement ot my bone and liver mets,I had another scan yesterday and am hoping for more of the same.

L xx

Hi lucinda- was bumping for sbrill but thanks xx

sorry sukiem lost the plot!!