Examining Yourself After a Mastectomy.

I am very concerned as i have had pain under my arm and on my scar from my mastectomy. I keep thinking i can feel a lump, then i examine the other side and its so difficult to compare with one side having a breast the other not.

I dont usually examine my mastectomy area but obviously have been with the pain.

I was really determined with the new year to be positive, but i can’t help worrying about this.

My doctors are not that good i dont think with breast probs infact i think they missed my lobular BC for a year.
I dont have a appt with Onc til May and dont want to be bothering them.

I just dont know if its normal 2 years on to develop pain there. My neck is also sore and i am wondering if it is my glands there too.

I know there are so many on the site worse off than me and i feel i am such a moaner. I met with a friend who had surgery with me the other day and she is so positive. However i am so worried about this pain.
Anyone else have pain and how do we examine ourselves after a mastectomy
