I found a lump, had an ultrasound followed by a thin needle biopsy. The biopsy came back as catagory four which I was explained as the cells were damaged on extraction but look suspicious. I am 29 but my aunt had breast cancer and after the biopsy results I am quite worried. Does anyone know what percentages of catagory four turn out to be cancer or pre cancer?
I see the consultant again tomorrow to schedule me in to remove the lump for futher analysis. The idea of an op and anasthetic petrifies me. I would b grateful if someone was able to share their experience.
Will I be given premeds? has anyone else had them? what did you think? Is it possible to get something to take the night before as well?
I have literally just had an excision biopsy yesterday on a largish lump in my right breast. Honestly please dont be afraid of the anasthetic or premeds etc.
I was given a pre-med by the anaesthetist about 1min before the real macoy the next thing you know is someone saying your name in the recovery room as it is all over.
The pre-med is like having a few glasses of wine of whatever your tipple is. There is nothing to be afraid of its actually quite a nice feeling.
You aren’t allowed anything the night before depending on what time your surgery is the following day.
I was scared when I had my first op years ago for something else and you know I was still nervous yesterday and the staff nurse said he would be worried if I wasn’t nervous but you feel nothing and know nothing. Of course I feel tired today after the anasthetic but thats only be expected.
So sweetie just think this lump has to be looked at so there is no alternative and at least you will have the results once and for all.
Try not to worry , I know that’s easier said that done and you will get alot of support from the lovely ladies on this website whatever the outcome.
I have changed my consultant and saw the new one yesterday and feeling much happier now. The first one I saw was running behind, I felt rushed out, he didnt answer my questions fully. Also cause I am only a 34AA and when I voice my concerns on how I would look after he just said “I dont think about the cosmetic side of things, just that ure still alive in 10yrs”!!! Who would feel comfortable with someone cutting into their breasts who had that thought on it. The new consultant was amazing, had so much time, explained everything and promised me to do his best cosmetically. Makes a big difference when u feel confident with the person whos going to b performing the procedure. He also promised me some strong premeds to keep me calm
How are you doing today P? Wishing u a nice speedy recovery. When will you get your results?
Oh excellent news, nothing like someone taking the time to explain rather than that feeling that you are being a pain asking eh??
I was also concerned about the cosmetic side but they said that all should be ok and to be honest it was the least of my worries.!!
I am doing fine thanks hunny, going shopping in a bit, not lifting or anything but can’t stand being inside for another day. !! I get my results on 4th Jan. This has been going on sice 3rd Oct…the waiting game is the worst.!!
You have a good weekend Mel, so when are you going in?
No sorry nothing exciting about food shopping in Tesco…eekkkk. I am feeling fine and although my hubby tries he just isn’t organised and the kids would eat bread and water if I didn’t get my bum into gear.!!
Wanted to wish you luck hun for Monday…you will be fine and let us know how it all went when you get a mo.!! Take it easy and speak soon
Fingers and toes crossed !!
Great, I am glad it all went well. All over with now and I know the hard bit is the waiting game. I am fine, feeling ok and trying not to focus on anything except my children and Christmas.
You take care Mel and keep me posted as to when you get your results. I have the new year to wait for mine so until then CHEERS…
Have a lovely time with your loved ones and try to relax and chill out.
Excellent that you will have results before Christmas day, fingers crossed I am sure all will be well and yes pls let me know. As for the waiting game I am getting used to it. I am peeved that all the way through I have had to wait 2 weeks for this and 2 weeks for that and they tell me this is the norm. With hindsight I wish I had gone private at least I would know by now.!!
I have a 6yr old girl and a 14mth old boy and a mad border collie…!!! They and my husband are my world.
Anyhow best get on trying to tidy whislt I am kids free this morning !!!
Well I am so sorry to hear the news but the positive side is that they have caught it early and that you will get a possible B cup.!! I am sure you have many thoughts whizzing round your mind right now. How has your family reacted?
I hope you will stay posting on this site.!! So when do they think you will have surgery?
Sorry this is quick I have to get my baby to bed…!! Speak soon
I bet it was hard. I am sure you have very mixed feelings about it all. Great to hear hubby is fussing over you, let him.!!
Good for you Mel, keep focused the good part is that it has been detected and you are young. Plus hey hun, you get to chose a nice B breast. I know its hard Mel but you certainly seem to have a good outlook on it all.
Christmas has been good, seeing my children excited and happy, My poor little boy has croup at the moment so he is a bit low. How has your’s been?
Well I finally get results this week so will let you know how I get on.Can I ask Mel what part of UK are you in? I wonder if the different NHS trusts act independantly perhaps that is why I have had the longgggggggggggg wait !!