Exemestane (Aromasin)

Hi, my mum is going to be starting this treatment very soon. She has had a tough few weeks lately, she had one dose of docetaxel before falling really poorly and this resulted in her having a brain shunt fitted. She is just out of hospital and the oncologist wants her to start on this medication. Do you think this means they arent going to continue the chemo? I know I shouldn’t second guess but want to be prepared. Or do you think they would do both? I understand its what they given when you’ve completed all your chemo and radio therapy?
Also, anyone find this tablet is working for them?

Thank you

Clare x

Hi Clare,

I hope your mum’s doing ok - as for not continuing treatment I don’t think its wise to second guess as you’ve said. There are a lot of ladies on this drug and its worked for them for many years.

I was on Exestamine for a year before it fail for me. Please let me know how your mum’s doing and I wish you all the very best for you mum’s continuing treatment.

Chris xx

Hi Chris, Thank you for your reply. Mum is doing ok, still very slow on her feet but at least she is now back home. Since posting I have spoken with the breast cancer nurse and she has said that mum should be continuing with her chemo at some point but for now the oncologist wants her on this medication to try and help slow down the cancer. She previously took arimadex and guessing because of the spread that’s classed as a fail.
This week has been productive. She has had a visit from the hospice re palliative care and they are putting stuff in motion. The district nurse is now on the scene and will be visiting each week for a general visit. The doctor has been today for a general visit. Only the firstsite she’s actually seen my mum, ever but better late then never and tomorrow she has the oncologist appointment so fingers crossed that’s more positive.
I hope you are well and looking after yourself. Keep in touch.
Best wishes
Clare x