Exemestane indtead of Letrazole

I though I’d ask anyone out there who had been prescribed Letrazole - I had taken this for nearly four months - and experienced severe pain in my knees - start from all the other menopausal symptoms
I then had a an X-ray and was told mild osteo-arthritis in both knees
I can tell you that my pain went from 0 - 100 when I started taking Letrazole
I had a review with breast care team about five months after operation and I asked to have my aromatose inhibitor changed to Exemestane - which I have been taking for two and a half weeks
I’m not saying I feel like a new woman but the pain has eased off in my knees - although still aching body and night sweats etc
I was curious to find out if anyone else had experienced this xx

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I took Letrozole for 2 years and experienced worsening pain every day. Despite being a yogi, I struggled to exercise or practice yoga due to the discomfort. Since switching to exemestane, my pain has significantly decreased. Although I do experience insomnia with exemestane, physically, I feel much better. It’s been almost 3 years since the switch. My only concern is that Letrozole may be more effective in fighting cancer compared to exemestane.

I’m so glad to hear your pain has reduced. I’m hoping the same
The thought of taking Letrazole and putting up with the pain I was experiencing was just too much to bear
I’ve looked at studies and I think the three hormone therapy or should I say anti hormone therapy medications are supposed to be the same - although I’m not sure
Well I think I’m willing to take the risk and see how it goes

YES. I hated letrozole and call it the red demon. Life literally unbearable with the side effects so gave it up. However, only fair to add that a friend had only minimal problems so you have to try it to see how it affects you. Good luck.

I tolerated Letrozole for 18 months before the joint pain became unbearable, I also have mild osteoarthritis in my knees. I had a 6 week break and started Anastrozole, I also stopped this one after a few months due to side effects so I’m now taking Exemestane and so far so good. I think you have to do what’s right for you and it’s definitely trial and error with AIs. I’ve said I’ll stop all endocrine treatment if these tablets don’t work out as it only decreases my risk by about 3% anyway.

I haven’t had this experience but my friend who was diagnosed a few months after me came off Letrozole after a couple of months due to joint pain and went onto Exemestane . She isn’t symptom free but not as bad and has been taking it continually now for nearly 18 months . Xx

Yes it sounds like my story - although I only tolerated for around four months - no hint of any arthritis in my knees before I started to take it :smiling_face_with_tear:

I’m keeping an open mind about side effects of Exemestane - so far they are tolerable - but I need to get bank to work and hopefully it will stay like this.

I have considered stopping it and I may decide to do this if knee pain comes back

It’s difficult - there’s like a positive and a negative - I sometimes get really frustrated when you get put on this medication and there is no monitoring - no blood tests - waiting a year on a bone scan - that was a rant but needed to

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Hi everyone - like many of you I have now come off Letrozole after just over a year. It’s been a strange one - I did have several side effects to start with which settled down for a few months and I felt relieved, thinking the treatment was not going to be too bad. Then they started up again, particularly the joint and muscle pain. My BCN gave me a two week ‘holiday’ from Letrozole and the joint pain definitely eased off. Now I have been on Exemestane for just over a week so it’s maybe too early to say. but I am experiencing severe anxiety symptoms - shaking, breathlessness, dizziness and nausea - and can’t decide whether it’s due to a shortage of eostrogen because of the medication, or for some other reason. I’m 85, was given a choice between lumpectomy or hormone treatment for small cancers in both breasts and chose the latter with full agreement of the consultant.
My main problem is the anxiety which is grim and not relieved by medication.

I’ve just found this thread. Can I ask how those of you who changed to Exemestane are doing now? I tried Letrozole for 8 months but the joint pain was so bad that I changed to Anastrozole. I have tried to cope with that but have just given up after 8 months - I couldn’t walk, and I hobble around the house like a very old lady, despite having been a power-walker & Pilates lover for over 20 years. I started Exemestane 10 days ago but am still so very stiff & immobile. Did it take long for you to feel any improvements? I just want to be able to walk ………

I’d love to know too .10 months on Anastrazole but oncologist has said I can swap to Exemestane . Not sure of swapping one evil for another !

I don’t know if this will help or not but I have been on extesemane since last April
My knees couldn’t tolerate Letrazole.
I now know it’s the inflammation and pain due to - arthritis, osteopenia and of course lack of oestrogen.
But I do find I have other side effects - but I think I’d rather stay on Extesemane.

I just feel like I’ve aged 10yrs since the hormone therapy - I work three x 12 hour shifts and I’ve never felt so exhausted and sore in my life.

But I’m determined to keep working and - taking supplements to ease the side effects and menopause symptoms xx

I’m still here and living and coping with life and what it throws at me.

Can highly recommend mindfulness - it’s very good for dealing with negative thoughts - and coping with stuff

I’m waiting to see consultant for yearly check after surgery and radiotherapy - but our clinics are running six month behind so had been hoping to be checked shd told all was ok.

Thank you so much @negative-nelly . As suggested by my Oncologist, I take cod liver oil, glucosamine chondroitin & MSM & magnesium to try to help with the stiffness and inflammation but they don’t seem to reduce it by much, if at all.

I also do mindfulness each day & find it helpful. Bizarrely, mentally I’m ok - it’s the physical limitations I’m finding so difficult to cope with. I agree about feeling like I’ve aged, the effort of taking each step takes such a lot of energy and is so exhausting, yet I still lie awake for hours each night :face_with_spiral_eyes:. I’m so glad that you prefer Exemestane & can tolerate it better - I really hope I will find that too. Could I ask what different side effects you experience on that?


Hi, Mastectomy in 2022. Firstly on letrazole, side effects not good. Changed to Tamoxifen. Side effects horrendous. Now on exemastane. First 2 weeks were aok but now back to square one. Where to go next. Between fatigue, insomnia and severe night sweats I am exhausted.