Did anyone here the news lunch about exercise and cancer about mc millian wants doctors to help us exercise does anyone have any comments on this as I know many ladies who exercise yet still got cancer many thanks laura
Isn’t it about helping to reduce the chance of recurrence rather than prevention in the first place?
Hi I think CM hit the nail on the head there we’ve known for years that healthy living & exercise HELPS with prevention, but yes if you’ve got / had cancer rying to stay as healthy as possible can only be a bonus
I thought how darn patronising of Macmillan, stuff them. Im an x national mountain biker both vet and grand vet cats. I was super fit and have tried to maintain my fitness through out cancer and in recovery. They make me so angry ill never donate another penny to macmillan. Why bunch everyone together a*******s
Rant over!!!
It’s easy to say excercise but in the middle of bliddy chemo I just want to curl up and go to sleep. Hurling down the loo bowl might count as excercise? I too was fit and will be fit again but just now, leave me alone.
Cm no it’s saying it’s now I think after dx it’s meant to help with se of chemo had a lady on there with sec sd feels great 3 yrs on I didn’t see it all so not sure can’t see gps paying for us all to go to the gym
The bits I heard said they “believe” 2.5 hours exercise per week during and after cancer treatment can help to reduce recurrence by 30-40% but its not proven…
errm a couple of things come to mind -
we know exercise in general is good for us, but why launch this if nothing is proven…
and did the smug cheery guy I heard on the radio every try to exercise during chemo - from being unable to get to the bathroom unaided in week one I was up the local hill in week three if I could , but it is seriously damned hard work.
A year out I now swim about 1 - 2 km a week and walk all over the place, but it takes up time and energy that I have to decide not to devote to other things since time and energy are still limited around here.
bw Nicola
I was so angry about this ive rung Macmillan and made a complaint saying that they should have thought it through a little more parading women dressed in pink and saying they should exercise more, what about the people who feel to sick to exercise says I oh yes they will pass my complaint on to the chief executive. GUESS WHAT the chief executive is a MAN!!! that says it all for me!!!
Another thing to feel guilty about when you are too sick to rise from the sofa/bed during treatment…
I finished chemo about 8 weeks ago and only now feel well enough to add bits of exercise while I start back at work and life in general.
During chemo I ended up housebound and feeling guilty that I wasn’t up to all the healthy diet, cooking from scratch etc etc this would have just added to that.
*rolls eyes*
I am 9 weeks post axillary dissection and ON radiotherapy. I can’t excersie much obviously, but I don’t want my cancer to come back either.
These people really should think about how this affects us emotionally before saying things.
Does running after 2 young kids and walking my dog a bit count?!!! Thats all I can manage Ta!
Does swinging from my crutches count as exercise do you think!!!
Also annoyed!!!
Yes dog walking would count… as would most other things like doing the hoovering!, but I cant even imaging waving my arms around, and dragon boat racing! stupid!
I heard this story on the 6 a.m. radio news but have not seen any TV versions. As CM says, the thought is that exercise post treatment can be positive both in terms of well-being and there is evidence (or so I have been told) to say it can reduce the likelihood of recurrence. I don’t think they are saying exercise or fitness prevents cancer - I am one of the many on here who was fit and active before cancer.
Right at the start of my treatment, my BCN told me to keep as active as possible - even if that was just walking to the corner and back. What is ‘possible’ obviously varies through chemo cycles and psot operatively, but it is evidently well demonstrated that it can help faitgue etc. I appreciate some people have such horrid side effects that going to the loo to heave is quite enough thanks, but for others a little walk or a boogie in the kitchen to one song might be possible.
I am lucky, where I live in Glasgow there are a couple of pilot schemes running (Active ABC (which I do) and Mbrace) which are specifically targetted at people having breast cancer treatment. Properly trained instructors guide us through suitable exercise programmes. They are also a ‘safe enough space’ to talk about our experiences, go wigless, etc.
I appreciate everyone is different, but three of our ladies attended all through chemo, I joined the class six weeks after mastectomy, recon and axilary clearance and continued all through my rads (my chemo was pre-surgery). I’m sure classes vary, but my instructor is happy for us to come and do as much or as little as we fell able - even just to come for the cuppa afterwards if necessary.
Feel free to rant about what you’ve seen, but I think it’s fair to say those of us in Glasgow who have been privileged to be part of the pilots feel we’ve benefitted.
Hope things go well for all of you, whatever stage of treatment, etc. you’re at.
PS If they have any classes on how to learn to spell again after chemo-brain let me know! My typing gets worse and worse these days.
I actually had a friend email me after seeing the news coverage and offer to take me for a walk next week after feccing. What does she think I am a dog? Really annoyed by the coverage as it suggests I am not doing enough to stop my BC coming back.
I cannot understand how I am expected to exercise during chemo when I get exhausted rushing up the stairs for the umpteenth time because my bowels have turned against me.
Ok, its my turn to rant !! I am an exercercise nut, according to my friends! I am 44 , veggie (almost vegan), never smoked or drank and exercise 4 to 5 times a week. Prior to being diagnosed in Sept 2010 was running half marathons !! So that should prevent cancer ???
All the way through my treatment chemo, mastectomy, rsdiotherapy, shoulder op, herceptin etc I have exercised. I even ran the Great South through chemo. Not going to tell you that it is/ was easy because it hasn’t been and my runs alnmost became walks at the most were very slow.And sometimes it was hard putting one foot in front of the other.
So exercise prevents cancer, can prevent it coming back or helps you through your treatment, … Mmm, All that i can say is according to statistics I should not have cancer and it wont come back !!
Exercise is my thing and always has been, ladies you do what you can when you can. If you are unlucky enough to of had/ get cancer then in my mind it is just bad luck !!
I’ve not seen the news item (probably better for my stress levels that I don’t judging from the reaction on this thread…) Did they say anything about “why” exericse is beneficial as that would help us to understand the advice. I have seen the Sloane-Kettering Cancer Centre, NYC video with part about the importance of keeping lymph flowing to avoid cancer cells settling and my Onc has backed this view and has encouraged me to exercise each day if possible - is this the reason given in the MacMillan report? Did the report also have the sensitivity to advise exercise as appropriate to individuals - sometimes a walk to the end of the garden or up my stairs has been more than enough during some chemo… It all sounds very bland and one-advice for all from what some of you are saying - if so, that’s really inappropriate. If it’s 30-40% improvement in chances then it’s clearly not going to work for everyone - and that leads me to wonder why?
And another thing fume fume, i like being on my own and not in a group or one of the worst places in the world for picking up infections a gym. I am happy with my horses and dogs, walking, running and living life to the full. grrrrrr grrrrrr.
If exercise truly played a signifcant role in cancer prevention then Martina Navratilova, Bobby Moore, Lance Armstrong wouldn’t have got it.
Mel Rees, David Rocastle, Adam Stansfield, Lilian Board, Peter Crimmins, Wayne Gordon, Heather Farr, Sam Faust, Daniela Klemenschits - not household names perhaps but all professional sportspeople and all dead of cancer in their 20s or 30s.
Last year we buried a dear friend who was dx-ed same time as me - she was a semi-pro sportswoman. Slim and super healthy.
I read some research earlier today that actually said that recreational exercise was preferable to being physically active in a job. I have never heard such tosh - you can spend 8 hours a day as a builder but apparently “recreational exercise” is better for you.
I swear to god they are making this stuff up as they go along.
I personally think exercise is good for body and soul.
I think it helps with recovery and depression.
Will it stop cancer? Nah.
Just watched it again wat a joke they can go boat rowing I was told no physical exercise after snb mc million need to make up their mind can u see gp or doc paying for us to exercise no!!
Not seen the report but I go for a walk every day or go to the gym for a walk or cycle in week 3 … just because it helps me feel in control again… and in the hope it’ll ward off some of the extra calories I;m consuming but I totally understand and sympathise with those that can’t even walk to the top of the stairs.