Exercise helps side effects?

Hi, just wondered what kind of exercise (if any) people had been doing during their treatment.
On a good day I’ve gone for a one hour walk in the morning at around 10am followed by a 2 hour walk at around 4pm … 3 hours I thought was pretty good going but not quite the marathon training I’m used to.
Is anyone else doing any kind of exercise, walking or other? I believe it really helps with side effects but wondered what others were doing and if you also felt it helps with side effects xx

Hi Emma, I definately think exercise helps although when I was having chemo I wasn’t great at it! However I’ve been walking daily since my last dose in May and it made me feel good about myself during radiotherapy and I’m probably fitter now than I was before this all happened!! It is now helping me combat the side effects of hormone therapy ?

Good for you Kim555pink! Hope you continue to get stronger and stay happy

Cycle 2 of FEC for me yest, so give it a few days and I’ll be out and about again I hope xx