Exercise ideas pre DIEP

Hi all,

I’m gearing up to my big day of surgery (right mastectomy, DIEP flap reconstruction, and left sided reduction ) for a large area of DCIS, less than a month to go now.  On a bit of a pre-op exercise mission, am running (well… shuffling) every other day, but am looking to do some specific exercises to strengthen my tummy muscles and upper arms. 

Has anyone come across any good online exercise videos? Yoga/pilates/HIIT/aerobics, not fussy!

Also any good videos for post op rehab?

Thanks so much xx

Hi sorry you haven’t had a response as yet . You could maybe ask about this in the Ask the Nurses section of the forum .they may have helpful info ? Good luck with your op and recovery .

Hi @Artura  thank you for your post. As well as the Ask Our Nurses area of the Forum that @Jill1998  mentions, you can also reach our Breast Care Nurses on our free Helpline - 0808 800 6000.

Sending my best wishes,
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