exercises after lymph nodes

hi all im day 4 post op on lymh nodes im really struggling with exercises well everything at mo …when did ppl start feeling better .when i stand i get a heavy feeling i no we all different but advice etc would b well appreciated xx

Hi Quinny

I know there’s a suggestion to start exercises straight away after surgery but my consultant actually told me not to worry about them for the first few days. I begin to do them after about 4 days. After 2 weeks I was gaining quite good range of movement but it is a hard process.

It’s not easy to get going with the exercises. I used to do them first thing in the morning, lunchtime and early evening. My experience is that I became ready to do the next set of exercises as my arm would start to tighten and become painful but I felt relief after exercising.

Have you got the BCC ‘Getting Fitter, Feeling Stronger’ DVD? I found it really good to do the exercises using the DVD and once I started them I did them religiously, 3 times a day. I also did as the DVD suggested and drew markers and dates on my wall as it gives you goals to work towards and you can then see that you are actually improving (although probably best to put up a large sheet of paper rather than drawing directly on the wall as I did!). Don’t overdo things though as I set myself back a bit by doing to much (in terms of other exercise).

The lady on the DVD says the exercises shoulnd’t be painful but, to be honest, it felt jolly painful to me. Keep persevering and you’ll really reap the benefits. My consultant said there’s a narrow window of opportunity to get your arm fully functional.

Best of luck with the exercises. You’ll soon start to feel better if you stick with it.

thank you hun i have got it and watched it this morning .i think i will look at it again tomoz i did try to do them but not as much as they did did u get the like filling up under your arm now and again i get it now and again it lasts for few minutes then eases im also massaging my arm as it feels a bit numb now and again xxand moving my sholders but not as much as i like to xx

Ditto about the exercises–do just a few, very gently. They really help.

Hi Quinny

It felt like there was a big lump under my arm and the underside of my arm to my elbow felt like it was red raw but at the same time numb to touch, owing to the nerve damage. I also felt as though below my shoulder blade was quite swollen but my nurse said it wasn’t anything that needed syringing. I forgot that I still had the drain for a few days after I got home (I left hospital the morning after my 1st op) which may be why my consultant said not to worry about starting the exercises immediately. Have you had yours removed yet?

Even the shoulder shrugging was hard initially but it all does improve quite quickly (when you look back at it) although at the time it may not necessarily seem like it. Dont’ feel you have to do everything they do on the DVD. Just do as much as you’re comfortable with - as I say, you can set yourself back a bit if you overdo things. Some days you’ll be able to manage more than others.

My BCN told me to take some paracetamol just before doing the exercises, it does help cause you don’t want to get frozen shoulder thats why its important to keep that area moving.
Hope this helps
sending love and light
sarahlousie xx

i didnt have drain? ive been feeling a bit light headed whats that all bout?

You may not have a drain. It seems to depend on the hospital and the operation, but I know the QE in Birmingham won’t usually let you go home if you still need one because there is a slight risk of infection.

Hi All
I had full lymph node clearance 6yrs ago and a lumpectomy. Back in my day we stayed in hospital a week until the drains were taken out. It amazes me when I hear about people coming out with drains and out so quickly. I made a great friend that week and the support from others going through the same thing was fantastic.
As for exercise we had a physio come round to show us the things we should do and what we should be aiming for. I remember being told how important it was to get mobile because a good range of movement was going to be needed to be positioned for radiotherapy.
What I find a pain, literally, is I still need to do them. My class in their P.E. warm up do my stretches and when I’m off work I notice the area getting tight when I’m not writing on the board.
Go gently, but keep doing them.

Nice to hear you’re 6 years on from it all, Chinook. Oh dear though -6 years and still feeling the need to do the exercises! On the positive side, I suppose it all helps to keep us fit.

The district nurses came each day to record the level of the drain container and make sure there weren’t any problems. I just found the long journey back to the hospital to have the drain removed quite difficult and had to take pain relief as each bump of the road was pretty awful and it was very tiring.

I found the exercises made me feel ill while having chemo so it was just as well I got full movement before that started.

I’m doing the full set of exercises at the moment whilst undergoing radiotherapy but I don’t find it any bother with my arm in the arm rest.