I finished radiotherapy last Thursday - 20 sessions over four weeks. Getting more tired each day. I’ve been led to blieve that this will peak next week or so. Does this mean that I’ll get more tired and should ideally take time off work?
My skin, well the nipple is weeping and showing little sign of healing. I haven’t applied any cream, as was told not too.
Can’t answer your questions samntha, but just want to say well done, and I am sure you will get advice from our special friends here. I will be starting rads and I also work albeit part time, but hope I can continue. However, listen to your body and if you need rest, then make sure you do. I believe others on here hhave used cream and again I am sure you will be advised, but it seems strange you have been told not to use. If you are concerned call your bcn, dont suffer. Keep in touch lol xxxxxxxx
I think like everything else we go through it all depends. I fell apart when they said to expect it to get worse just at the thought but actually it didnt. Hoping your lucky be kind to yourself and rest.
I was visiting an October 2014 thread person in hospital today - the same ward I was in a month ago. One of the nurses was asking me how I was getting on, so I told her my last radiotherapy session is tomorrow - and she was adamant it takes about 6 weeks to get thru the initial fatigue - this is longer than other professionals had said, so I queried, and she was very definite about the six weeks - so be gentle on yourself ! x
… and I have had 15 sessions over 3 weeks. As effects are accumulative I guess it may well be a bit longer than this re 20 sessions /4 weeks. All very best wishes. x