Experiences of eyebrow tattooing?

Hi there,

Am having 3xFEC and 3xTaxotere - completed 1st Taxotere so not far to go now, but as expected my eyebrows are starting to fall out!

Thinking of getting semi-permanent make-up done - have any of you done this, what was the experience like and do you have any recommendations (I’m on Surrey/Hampshire/Berkshire borders, have seen an ad for a clinic in Hove) or warnings!

Many thanks,


I did a facial on someone once and thought how horrible they looked. They had been done well but close up didnt like them at all BUT now i dont have any permanently because of Taxotere i have thought about it because i just look ill without them. I have about 3 hairs on each eyebrow so i just use eyebrow tint on the skin and 3 hairs and it lasts for 2 or 3 days at a time - only takes me seconds to do. I dont bother with pencils etc because i always seem to rzb or scratch my face and dont want to be in company with only one brow!

Hi Helen,

I didn’t know that there is a semi-permanent option! I was very reluctant to try what I thought was permanent without having a firsthand recommendation. I am still struggling with my eyebrows seven months after finishing docetaxel, but then I did have 4X….

Just wanted to tell you about a product that Benefit make called (I think) Browzing (?) I haven’t used it but it’s meant to be good. I’ve been using my own combination of two different brands of pencils, one powdery and the other a bit more ‘greasy’ to define. I’ve found that this works quite well and then I use another Benefit product called Shelac to fix my handiwork on place. It’s best I think to get pratice on your brows before they go, that way you get some training in for when you have a blank canvass!! How are your lashes?

Good luck with the next two rounds,


Morning ladies

My beautician does semi permanent make up tattooing and keeps trying to persuade me to have the eyebrows done. Mine fell out during chemo a year ago and only one has grown back properly. The tattooing looks great in the literature but I have not met anyone who has been done yet. Its also really expensive so not something to rush into.

Hope someone comes along who has had it done xxxxxx

No-one’s appeard on here who’s had it done yet, have they? Am told a friend of a friend knows about these things and should meet her on Sunday so I’ll let you know if I find anything out!!! H


I have had mine done and they have made a huge difference.
Since having them done I am told how well I look and great for swimming.
mine look very natural and when I am ‘made up’ I still pencil them in for a more glam look.

The lady that did mine took a lot of time and trouble with a pencil to get the design right before she started on the tatoo.

It did hurt a bit, the bit where she was numbing the skin.
I had hairs tatooed on instead of a block of colour to look more natural.
they last about 1 year 18 months before they need doing again.

Also boots do any eyebrow set with stencils and pencil.
I bought something similar from a shopping channel and had great fun…
I had a different look ever day!!!

Get a consultation, ask lots of questions…
make sure you are happy with your beautician.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Bikinggirl. Good to know you had it done and are pleased with it! Spoke to friend of friend who is going to ask around (her ‘beautician’ contacts) and get back to me. H

OOOh off to rattle my piggy bank!

Sorry to put a downer on this because it does sound attractive. I looked into it myself before starting on my treatment(FEC+Tax). My oncologist told me under no circumstances to do it after the chemo started because the risk of infection is too high. I contacted one of the clinics who do it in my area (Glasgow) and they agreed that they won’t do it for someone on chemo.

Better safe than sorry!


I had ny eyebrows done (against the advice of my oncolgist) and was absolutely delighted with the result. So much so that I’m disappointed that my eyebrows are growing back so quickly. Sadly my eyelashes are lagging behind somewhat!