Experiences of Tamoxifen

I have posted a few times but am keen to hear about younger women’s experiences in of Tamoxifen.
I was diagnosed a month ago and it’s been a whirl wind. I have had surgery (lumpectomy and SNB) and have my appointment scheduled with the oncologist a week tomorrow. I have been told the likely treatment will be radiotherapy and hormonal tablets for either 5 or ten years. I am 42 and premenopausal. I wanted to know how people have found Tamoxifen. Having read some things on the internet ,I am concerned that it will change me and I won’t be able get on with everyday life. I am particularly wondering about my job. I officially work 3 days a week as a primary teacher with significant and wide ranging Senior leadership responsibilities. Typically the days I am in school I have always worked from 8 am till 6pm and it can be very full om (at times there are several demands on my time and there are frequently points when issues occur I don’t manage to get any breaks - 10 minute lunch at my desk or in the hall witb children ). I also worked around another 8- 12 hours a week beyond this usually in the evenings or weekends. I actually really like the job (particularly the leadership aspects) and it is a huge part of my identity. I know I can have a few adjustments but the reality is we are so overstretched I would still need to work at quite a pace.
I have two children aged 6 and 8 so home life is busy too. I would really like to hear ithe peoples experiences.

Hi @eb13 ,

I am on a different type of hormone therapy (Zoladex and exemestane) which I am managing with (I have achey muscles and bones as my main side effect). I had a lot of hot flushes to begin with and they have settled now, I only have 2/3 a day (acupuncture has worked wonders). I have a highly demanding job and adjustments have been made to help me get settled back in, push for an OH referral.

In terms of tamoxifen, I made a friend through this process who has been on tamoxifen for nearly a year. She is tolerating it really well and doesn’t have hot flushes. Everyone is very different, so it’s hard to know how you may react… I think you are more likely to hear more negative stories than positive (simply because people who may be struggling are more likely to comment/reply).

The (great) advice I received was to take everything one step at a time, it’s really easy to get carried away thinking about things in the future (I did too!). But wait until you speak to your oncologist and get all the facts on your next steps.

Sending you best wishes! X

Thanks for the response. This is so helpful. I am so rubbish at dealing with uncertainty. I am definitely going to try and get an OH referral. Did you have radiotherapy? And do you think it’s possible to work through this. Sorry so many questions.

I have radiotherapy coming up later in January. I worked (from home) through chemo, and I plan to do the same through radio. If you need to be physically at your work site, it would definitely be doable but it depends how far you need to travel to get to the hospital and back, this may take a chunk out of your day. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself though, work is important but you won’t be much use if you aren’t well enough x It is only 3 weeks (15 sessions) or 1 week (5 sessions), take the time off if you need. I thought my work couldn’t cope without me there, turns out they can and I am sure your work will do to! X

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Hi there. I am 43 and similar position to you. I have 3 kids (12, 10 and 6) and work albeit part time. Had WLE and SNB end of October. Started tamoxifen about 6 weeks ago and radio due to start later this month. It might be too soon for side effects to show fully yet but honestly so far it has been absolutely fine. I have needed to go for a wee a little bit more, maybe a bit achey but not much and I have woken up a bit hot some nights but really hasn’t been that bad. I do think everyone is different though. For me it was definitely worth a go. If it is horrendous you can switch brand, reduce the dose, have a break or even stop altogether…but you never know if you don’t try I guess. It might get worse but for now I honestly wouldn’t say it is affecting me too badly. Good luck xxx

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Thanks so much for replying. I know everyone is different but this gives me a bit of hope - especially as you are a similar age.


Been on tamoxifen a few months now and had radiotherapy. I’m a full time infant school teacher … had 2 weeks off after surgery but managed to work through radiotherapy. I had coil removed when I was diagnosed and haven’t had any periods since. I had quite a few hot flushes…but these do seem to be easing off in number, I also have episodes of brain fog. I have my oncologist appointment in a couple of weeks which I’m assuming will be my last (hopefully). I shall discuss my side effects and hopes for improving future. I didn’t consider not taking the tablets… I suppose I trusted in the system. I hope my trust pays off. It’s been 6 months that I wasn’t expecting… fingers crossed for better 2024 x


Thanks so much for replying. I have never had a hot flush or brain fog. Have you found it ok to teach with these symptoms. I just have this vision of me standing in front of the class dripping with sweat and forgetting what I am teaching!

I think you’re just going to have to give it a go and see. It didn’t agree with me. But it’s very tolerable for many :slight_smile:

Yes… windows open …and a friend gave me a little fan that plugs into laptop. I also wear glasses … so very often I steamed up :rofl: had a little giggle with my 6 year olds :rofl:

Dear eb,

I have been on Tamoxifen for two years now. I started at the age of 44. I work as a full teacher.
I have been very lucky and not had many side effects with tamoxifen. I was taking tamoxifen in the morning but changed it to the evening as it upset my stomach but once the change was made it was fine. I haven’t had any side effects with hot flushes or menopausal changes. It’s different for everyone. I agree with previous posters to take one step at a time and make sure you give yourself time to heal.

Hi, I had a mastectomy and implant reconstruction on 14th Nov. I have been taking Tamoxifen for about 4 weeks. I am 45. I have had no side effects at all so far, except I havent had a period yet. I am an ex-primary teacher so understand how you are worried about keeping up with the workload. I work in a busy school office and went back to work full time this week after doing a few half days in the week before Christmas. I would think if you already manage the business of teaching and SLT commitments you are already hard core! I have managed fine this week - I rarely get a lunch break either! I have also been busy supporting my mum who has just had a knee replacement. Obviously medication can affect everyone diffrently but you may be absolutely fine. I Would recommend that you don’t rush back until you are fighting fit after surgery, as you say working in school is full on. Good luck.

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Thanks so much for your reply. It is so helpful to hear from other people in similar situations. I am glad you aren’t experiencing too many bad side effects. It’s also great to hear you are managing a busy job. I am not quite as hard core as it seems as I actually have am part time ( although probabl Di a fair bit more than part time hours).

Good luck with everything. Xx