Extended LD flap reconstruction

Has anyone had an extended LD flap reconstruction. I have a lot of adhesions of the scar tissue to the pectoral muscle due to the ‘butchery’ by my previous surgeon. My new surgeon is going to do some lipomodelling under and around the scar tissue to try and free it off as well as at the same time building up a base layer of fat in readiness for the reconstruction. Apparently, I may have to have two or three of these procedures depending on how much fat is re-absorbed. Then my surgeon will do the extended LD flap reconstruction. Doing it this way will mean I will not have to have an implant. Also, my surgeon will ‘perk’ up the other one to match the new one.

Has anyone had this type of procedure and how did they feel afterwards.


I haven’t had the exact same thing as you, but something very similar.
I originally had an LD flat recon with small implant on both sides in 2011. After the healing process I was unhappy with the lack of symmetry though due to one side being a delayed recon and the other being an imediate recon. This surgery was done in Wales (where I was living at the time), and the surgeon didn’t seem to want to do anything to correct this. I was very unhappy with the result…
I then moved to Cornwall and last year I saw a lovely surgeon who suggested lipofilling to create more symmetry. I have had 2 ops and the results are good so far. I’ve only just had the second one so I’ll have to wait a few months to see if the result stays.
Regarding the LD surgery - it was a big op and I had to have 2 months off work to recover. The lipofilling however is much, much easier and to be honest I went back to work within a week of the latest one. They do recommend 2 weeks of work though.
I would recommend lipofilling to create a much softer, natural look. If you want anymore info, just ask

Hi Scaredy cat and Sarah 1967, I’m extremely disappointed to be told told my LD recon due to be done on 5th Aug has just been postponed! This is the second time this has happened, I should have had surgery in April but date moved to Aug. I had prepared myself mentally for this procedure andthe implications for recovery, I work in a school and had deliberately planned this because of school holiday and arranged work cover for early sept, with holiday later on in year when hopefully I would have been over surgery and feeling better. I now feel let down by hospital who didn’t notify me that surgeon was away all of August! I rang two weeks ago and was tld my admission letter would arrive. I’m now wondering if maybe I miight consider my options now that surgery wont be likely until Oct or even later. I’m now considering an implant and lipo filling option to left mastectomy instead of LD and small implant for right side. I’ve read posts giving both opinions on the pros and cons of LD recon and wonder what your views are? I’m confused again about choices now I’ve got to wait months or possibly a year :frowning:

Hi Jube
It’s difficult to know if I would have chosen the LD flap method had I had the option of the lipo filling. All I can say is a good surgeon who does lipo can certainly make an implant look better with some filling around the edges. I guess all you can do is speak to your PS and then weigh up the pros and cons of both. I live in Cornwall now and the breast surgery team here are excellent. I hope your team are good too as it makes a lot of difference as to the outcome I think.
Sarah x

Hi Jube,

I don’t where you live in but since you’ve had so many delays do you have another hospital nearby where you change surgeons. I changed surgeons for two reasons. Firstly, because of all the delays I had before they finally did the mastectomy and lymph node clearance. I was diagnoes in Sep 11 and had the op in Feb 12. Secondly, because of the state of the surgery and the amount of nerve damage caused during the surgery. I live in East Sussex and now travel 40 miles (through choice) to see a really good breast team. You have the right to choose which surgeon you want to see even though it may mean travelling.

The lipomodelling I’m having done before the reconstruction is not only to try and sort out some of the damage but also to create a base layer of fat so I don’t have to have an implant. If they need any extra tissue or fat they will take from either my rear end or my tummy (lots of that to play with there). I didn’t want any implants and this way I don’t have to. Also my BS with do lift the right one with some lipo filling so it will match my new one. She can do all this because I’m only a A/C cup.

If you want details and you want to keep them private please send me a message.

Love and hugs, Helen xx

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for your reply. As you say the LD flap op is quite a long one. I think that normally they use an implant for LD flap op but I think why they called it an extended LD flap op is because they do the lipo filling before they do the main op so they don’t have to use an implant. I know it will take two or three sessions before they do the op which means three or four general anaesthetics but usually I’m ok with them.

Luckily I’m self-employed and work from home so I don’t have to take time off work. How did your arm, shoulder and back feel after the op.

Love and hugs, Helen xx

Hi Ladies, I’ve had a verbal date for the 9th Sept for my LD recon so fingers crossed I’ll be going ahead!
Jo xx

Hi Jo,

Will keep my fingers crossed and everything else that I can. Please let me know how you can on.

Love and hugs, Helen xx

Hi Scaredy cat, I will let you know how things go!
Jo xxx

Hi, I was under the impression it is called the extended LD because a tissue expander is used first.

Hi ladies, i had mastectomy, AND and immediate reconstruction which wasa lat dorsi flap. I had no implant. The surgery was done Dec 2011. I had to have a lot of seroma drained off my back which eventually resolved with the injection of steroids. This week I noticed a bulge on my back my consultant drained 250 mls from my back. He seems to think I have over exerted myself torn a muscle and this is where the blood is coming from. Now a space has been created from aspirating the haematoma its filling up again. I just wondered if there are any ladies who have had this happen to them. Thx Michele x