In the info given to me by my breast care nurse when my active treatment finished a year ago, one of he signs to look out for secondary breast cancer was constant tiredness without any obvious cause. Having got a lot of energy back in the months following the end of my treatment, About three or four months ago I started to suffer from being extremely tired. It hasn’t gone away.
Has anyone ever gone back to their breast team complaining just of fatigue and if so, did they carry out any investigations? I feel as though if I contact them they will think it’s a bit ridiculous, but on the other hand they did say to go back if I spotted any of the various potential symptoms.
I would say there is no harm in contacting your breast care nurse to discuss this. I had the same but went to my GP which is another thing you could do. She did two blood tests and everything was okay. I am now back to my normal levels of energy, which are not great, but I am 69 and try and walk to the gym twice a week and do aqua aerobics and swim . I don’t sleep very well through the night. Are you getting a good night’s rest? I have other chronic conditions including fibromyalgia which can cause fatigue. Maybe there will be others who will reply with more thoughts on this.
Hi @daffodilly I have been stricken with fatigue on and off since finishing active treatment in November 2022. Currently in a bout of it, will go on for weeks probably. I was told by my BC nurse that fatigue is a very common outcome from multiple sources but for MBC it is usually as well as other obvious symptoms (such as pain in the bones or gastric issues due to a damaged liver) not the only symptom. Don’t dismiss the impact of worry and stress too. I echo the advice to look into it either through your BC nurse or GP because it could be something simple such as a vitamin deficiency. The main thing is that it would give you peace of mind which is priceless.
Hi, I just posted about this in the nurses sections a few weeks ago! I finished treatment in may 2024, I’m 33 and have 2 young boys, so I do appreciate my tiredness could be from everyday life. Aside from looking after the kids, I’m not able to do anything for myself. I did go back to work in September, and I’m already considering signing off again because of days like today, I needed a nap before the kids got home so that I’d have enough energy to look after them.
I’ll be honest, my first thought went straight to secondary, I thought surely I can’t be this tired for no reason?? It’s an 8 week wait for a GP appointment for me, but I’m so tired and just want some reassurance. My breaking point was going for a shower and needing to rest afterwards, after months of feeling “normal”, it feels like ten steps back. My last blood tests were done in July, so I’ll be asking for these to be redone. I also have my annual check up at the breast clinic this week so I was going to speak to them too.
So I completely understand where you’re coming from. Definitely get blood tests done and if they come back normal then maybe check in with your BCN? That’s what I’ll be doing xx
At the moment I am noticing a connection with how tired I am linked to how active the symptoms of my irradiated breast are - coincidence? Its been 6 months since I finished radiotherapy and symptoms still vary from time to time, mainly orange peel skin at the moment, which impoves with massage, only to retun again after ( hard to fight gravity). Sometimes a gym session perks me up all day, other times I’m wiped out after- go figure. It ebbs and flows, hoping it will get better in time.
I hadn’t actually thought of this to be honest, but it does make sense and I have noticed skin texture being different, could be one to keep an eye on xx
Listen to your body.
After nine years primary cancer l developed back ache ( severe. I still have it ) and a tiredness l never knew before. I was told l had a mental health problem.
I was energetic, busy eight stone.
I got slower. I’m now nearly twelve stone and last April told lm stage four…bone mets.
It was only my oncologist who took me seriously ( miss Mitchell… Liverpool. )
You know your own body…
I hope my comments don’t alarm you. It not about other people it about you .
Good luck. I pray you are free of this horrible disease xxxxx sending love
I’m so sorry to hear that. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I am definitely going to seek advice from the gp and then the bcn and see where we go from there. Thanks again and wishing you all the best.
Hey, I would echo what others have said about engaging with the GP or BCN. I finished immunotherapy in December, I was warned by my BCN that the fatigue often gets worse before it improves. That makes sense right? Our amazing body has been on Go mode for a long time. I did also ask the GP for all the blood tests. I’ve got these next week. I remind myself to pace and proactively rest (rather than keep going until I drop). I still feel battered by tea time, but I did manage a full day working in London this week (am midlands based).
So I am seeing small gains, but I’m listening to my body and know there’s still a long way to go and I deserve to rest and recharge. Take Care xx