Hi I usually have my eyebrows shaped and tinted every three weeks.
My next appointment is on 13 March but that it’s the day that I start my chemo (pacitaxel for 12 weeks) Obviously I will need to contact the salon but I am not sure whether to make another appt or cancel until treatment is over.
I usually have my hair coloured but think that I will just have it cut short and see what happens.
onc did did tell me that I would probably lose hair including brows and lashes.
I also have routine dentist on the same day as my 3rd treatment. Should I just change to the nearest available appt or try to get in before it starts
I have a pre chemo the day before my first treatment where I could ask but that seems to be leaving it a bit late
Hi Lynn, I can’t help you with info regarding your questions, other than to say I would definitely change my dental appointment, earlier if possible, but agree regarding the secondary bc nurse. When I rang to speak to them at my hospital, I was once told we were ‘a problem as we fell between the nets’, not exactly what you want to hear! And one was supposed to call me back after her October half term holiday, I’m still waiting for that call! That said, when I mentioned it to my GP she said that wasn’t the case and every bc patient should have a bc nurse and advised me to mention it to my Onc at my next appointment. I didn’t but think I will next time. Hope your treatment goes well, Kxx
Hi Lynne, sorry I’ve just picked this up. Hope you are sorted now, but if not I’ll pass on what I was told at my chemo pre assessment. Dental work ASAP , none during chemo. Colouring hair is a no no due to chemicals. Might get away with a vegetable dye, but hope it doesn’t react to chemo. X
They usually advise no tints or hair dye for around 6 months after chemotherapy due to the effect of chemo on the skin sensitivity etc. I had cold cap and was lucky kept most of my hair (scalp) but lost eyebrows etc i used eyebow pencil and powder with a stencil it made me feel a little more like me and after 7 months have become quite the expert. I found a hair colour that is suitable for people going through chemo or after called Naturigin which is a permanent colour rather than semi so covers grey well which is good in my case. Had to order it from the web as not available everywhere but not too expensive anyway hope that helps