Eyebrows and eyelashes during chemotherapy

Anyone that’s either completed or started EC, did you lose your eyebrows and eyelashes? If so, how soon after starting.

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I’ve just started mine so no insights from my side but I would also be interested in responses

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Hi, I’ve completed 3 EC now and I’ve still got my eyelashes but my brows are only just hanging in there, but are still there, hope this is good news for you, have lost all other hair , got a fine coverage over my head still so not completely bald but it’s very sparse, about 5 mm long xx ( I didn’t cold cap) xx

Hi rosa 1,
Last year I started with PC, then went on to EC. So lost my eyebrows slowly, that I didn’t actually notice. I’ve just looked at pictures from last year. My treatments started 26/6/23. I lost my head hair completely 14-21 days however my eyebrows went very thin and patchy by the August, then slowly disappeared over time. My eyelashes have gone awfully thin, however I still have some. I’ve purchased a mascara for thin eyelashes which looks O.K. when I’ve used it.
All the best with your treatment xx

@mama.p just wanted to ask - did you cold cap?

What is the brand of your mascara?

Hi, I’m mid way through my EC chemo…. I’m a month in and still have my eyebrows/lashes (I don’t see any difference to them) and I’m about to get my third treatment on Friday. I’m cold capping and had a big shed a couple days ago and over the past week it’s been shedding a bit when combing my hair but I started with very thick hair and still have a full head of hair, albeit a bit thinner on the top (if you didn’t know me before you wouldn’t notice I was missing hair if that makes sense)


Have finished 4 x EC and 3 out of 4 Paclitaxel, so far I still have both my eyebrows and eyelashes but lost hair from everywhere else!
I did start off cold capping but after no 3 of EC, lost so much hair, I decided not to continue with the cold cap.

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Hi tinatin,
No I didn’t go for cold capping.
The mascara is called PrimePrometics. It’s an online shop.
They have a website.
Hope this helps x


If you don’t mind me asking how did you find cold capping?

Yeah I’ve found it fine. The first 10-15 min can be intense but I take two paracetamol about an hour before and also take tea in a thermal cup with me. It’s still a bit of a shock with the paracetamol for the first few mins so I’ve found that sipping on the tea during that time really makes a difference and helps. After that you have a numb head so don’t notice the cold lol

I guess everyone tolerates it differently but I personally didn’t find it too bad. I bought an electric blanket to keep me warm and it helped a lot! It’s so cosy that I usually fall asleep once the first 20 mins (which are the worst) are over.

Also, I would recommend bringing a hairband with you, otherwise it will leave traces on your forehead (they go away but still).

@tinatin I’m using uklash serum every night before I go to bed, not sure if that’s what’s helping my lashes and if I would of kept them any way :woman_shrugging: but apparently it’s good for re- growth after chemo too , I got mine from boots and think it was about £36 x

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I didnt lose my eyebrows and eye lashes until after chemo. I had 3 EC and 3 Docitaxal. They also regrew quote quickly


I lost nose hair and eye lashes on 2nd round

Eyebrows never fully went but got to about 40% topped up with pencil

I cold capped and kept almost all my hair but by the 4th it was coming out in small handfuls and went very thin so had shoulder length cut to bob

Its grown back curly but thick because of using Watermans serum but still only at bob length because hairdresser keeps cutting the wispy bits off

Eyebrows came back within a month

Eye lashes took about 3 months

Some people get eyebrow permanent treatments before chemo but mine looked fine

Check out cancer hair care website and Look good feel better workshops

Good luck