Hi girls.
I know this is trivial in the grand scheme of things, but just wanted some advice.
I finished my FEC-T chemo in August 2011 and completed my Herceptin in June 2012. During Taxotere, like everyone, I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes.
Im pleased to say that they have both grown back.
However, my eyelashes are still very short, straight and fine. I have spent a fortune on lash primers and expensive mascaras, trying to create some volume, length and definition, with no success.
As its been 17 months now since the end of the Taxotere and 7 months since the end of Herceptin, I am semi resigned to the fact that this is it! And don’t get me wrong, I am delighted to have some lashes back.
I was just wondering if anyone had any “top tips” to encourage lash growth or any wonder mascara that improve at least the look of lashes.
I am tempted to invest in an eyelash curler but my lashes are so short and fine I’m scared of either breaking what lashes I have got, or hurting my eyelid, trying to grip them!!
thanks girls
Mandy xx
Bumping for you again, Mandy, as I could do with luscious lashes too, but I think you look gorgeous anyway despite your eyelashes
Hi Mandy,
Same here really, but something I have done occasionally and should do more often is smear vaseline along the roots of my lashes at bed time, may not help them grow, but definately helps with condition and strength. xx
Thank you girls!
nannabarb, yes, someone else suggested rubbing Vaseline along the roots of lashes. I’d forgotten about that!
Ill start tonight!
Mandy xx
Don’t forget Mandy that Herceptin stays in your body for 6 months after your 12 month course, so you are only just starting to get rid of it once and for all. It’s 12 months now since I had my last Herceptin and I have found over the last couple of months that my eyelashes and nails have come on leaps and bounds all of a sudden. My eyelashes actually seem longer now than before dx but not sure if that is my imagination, and only recently I have actually gone without nail polish as my nails are not as yellow or ridged as they were. They still seem a bit more dry but that could be general chemo induced menopause.
Thanks for giving us hope Sam as I am just 3 months post last herceptin. On the advice of my Chripodist just before Christmas I have stopped using nail polish to try and protect my nails as it is a double-edged sword in that it does dry out your nails. She advised massaging them with almond oil or equivalent to keep them supple which does seem to be helping as they seem to be seperating into layers far less. They still look dry and ridged but I have only left off the polish for 3 weeks so far.
As for the eyelashes Mandy I have tried DivadermeNatural Angel Simulash Intenso when it was on offer at £15 but it made no difference at all. My eyebrows seem to have improved somewhat but I think it is all done to nature and not wonder products that cost loadsamoney!
Yes, I think I’m going to grave to resign myself to weedy, thin, stumpy lashes! At least for now!
Encouraging though, Sam, to hear your lashes and nails have improved so much in the last couple of months!! Some hope there, maybe Mazzalou?!
And as we all know, it’s a very small price to pay!! We’re here, we’re well and we’re getting on with life!!
(any top tips to help the regrowth, still VERY welcome!)
Lots of love
Mandy xx
I know Mandy we shouldn’t really complain should we in the whole scheme of things.
I always used to use lengthening mascara but found when my lashes were really short that it looked stupid because they would thin so it just seemed to make them look longer but thinner (if you get my drift).
I found mascara that she they thicken or plump the lashes made them look better, a bit longer and a bit fuller. So if that is any help to you.
I know what you mean about the nail polish - how much of the yellow nails is because we have spent so long wearing dark nail varnish???
On a completely different topic, strange as well that my leg hair has never grown back properly - now that is something I am not complaining about. Only have a wizz a shaver over every couple of months now. Fab.
Lucky you Sam.
Maybe I should have hair transplanted from my legs to my eyelids!
Love the idea of transplanted hair.
As my husband would say - “it’s a look - not necessarily a good one”
Ah - but if you could see how long the hairs on my legs are then my lashes would be soooo fluttery!
My leg hair like yours, and “other body hair”, has been very slow growing too! Saving me a fortune in waxing!
So yes, every cloud has a silver lining, and all that!
Mandy xx
Mazzalou, Im just like you, my legs are hairier than ever, but the further you go up my body, the less hair I have! I suppose I should think my self lucky that my ‘male pattern baldness’ is the only 'male pattern hair I have, and that I dony also have a hairy chest !
I use a primer on my eyelashes from Urban Decay. Its like a thick white mascara and then you put mascara over the top, I couldn’t believe the difference it makes and you don’t spend an hour plastering on the mascara!!
Hope it works for you, I am two and half years on and still no leg (or arm) hair, eye brows sort of back - scrawny elsewhere!!! No change there lol!! xxx
I found a great product it’s called revitalash it was a product I found on the net. Results take about 3 months but worth it i have fantastic lashes now think and long .they also do a product revitabrow .you can buy from the shopping Chanel QVC
Will have a look at these suggestions, but I’m 10 months on from Herceptin, though still taking Arimidex. I used to have thick hair that the hairdressers used to complain about but it has grown back quite thin. No eyebrows and minimal eyelashes. Nails are OK (oops, forgot that they’re fake!). But absolutely NO underam hair - isn’t it weird how we’re all affected so differently?
I also had shorter eyelashes following chemo and had amazing results with Revitalash - my eyelashes grew really, really long and thick - but as it was quite expensive and I started growing other weird dark hairs around my eyelashes I stopped using it, at which point my eyelashes promptly fell out and grew back short and stubby again. I’m tempted to try it again though - the results were fantastic…