Eyes and exhaustion

I had my final Tax 2 weeks ago and due to have surgery on 8th Sept. However over the past week my eyes have been watering constantly to the point I can’t focus a lot of the time and find it difficult getting about when out. Has anyone else had this problem? 

Yesturday I did venture out on my own to have coffee with a friend. I walked as it was only a short distance and normally only takes about 10 minutes to get there. I was sitting down all the time in the cafe so not over doing it. When I left my friend to come home I came over all weak and felt my legs were going to give way. I would have called my husband to come and get me in the car but the car was at the garage so had to get home on foot. I felt so bad that I dont know how I got home and then almost collapsed when I got in. Is this normal and has anyone else experienced this. I’m now feeling too scared to go out in case it happens again.

Hell SML1903

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With best wishes

June, moderator

That sounds really tough, SML. As to eyes, yes, mine wept for several weeks after my last tax - it got worse over successive chemos. Bit by bit they got better, however, but it did take a while. You’ll get there. And the exhaustion sounds really normal too. Two weeks after your last tax is really not very long. Be really kind to yourself and rest lots. It will honestly get better; but just needs time.

Hi, yer I’ve been same, walk around as though the floor is at eye level n feel odd in head, is this normal?? What we have to endure eh! X

I think it takes quite a few months for drugs to get out of our systems properly. This is why we have side effects still, great eh!