So I was supposed to have my first radiotherapy session yesterday and I couldn’t because I couldn’t do the breath hold technique correctly. Better today but still air leaking from chest so I was sent home again to practice over the weekend?
does anyone have any tips for it? I think it’s because of doing Yoga for so long I’m so used to doing ‘belly breathing’ that I just can’t hold it all in my chest. Please help x Thanks in advance.
I found you never quiet know when they are going to ask you to breath in so then you tend to rush to do so. Take your time to wait to breath in until you are next ready to breath in, that helps to keep your breathing pattern more normal.
When you have taken a breath focus on your nose as that is where you “leak” from. I found pressing my tongue against the roof of my mouth also helped and gave me something to concentrate on.
Visualise you have the hiccups and are trying to hold your breath to get rid of them.
Trouble is the more you worry about it the harder it is to do!
I was the same, sent home over the weekend to practice, but I still couldn’t get it right. I am able to hold my breath for that long I just wasn’t consistent enough. Also when I run I used belly breathing too. They said not to worry, the doctor will put shielding in place. They still did the scan and took measurements etc.
Just reading this thread ,I hope it all went ok in the end and your feeling ok, I have my first radiotherapy session this week and feel a bit in the dark about it all, how long will I have to hold my breath for ? No one has really explained what will happen at my sessions x