Is it possible to have a lump that feels malignant when palpated turn out to be benign ?
Hi Amz988,
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Hi Amz,have you been referred to breast clinic ?The doctors can’t possibly know what they are feeling without the help of ultrasound or mammogram to see what is going on inside .Jill.
Hello , I went yesterday morning for an ultrasound, not advised to have a mammogram as im 20. I had a radiologist look at it and then she got a second opinion from the consultant to double check it didnt need a biopsy. The consultant was sat looking around on the ultrasound for about 5-10 mins and then told me she believes its a fibroadenoma, but when I feel it, it feels attached to thick breast tissue so I think they may have got it wrong ?
That’s very hard when you are left with some doubts .Are they going to monitor you for a while ?You can ask for a second opinion .Go back to GP with your concerns and see if they can push for biopsy if you feel that would allay your fears.Jill.
I dont think so. I asked if I need to go back at any point and they have said no, all abit weird
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Maybe go discuss with GP see what they think .
Hi Amz
I agree with Jill (good to see you x), either ask for it to be biopsied to give a more accurate diagnosis and allay your fears, if they’re not prepared to, ask for and seek a second opinion from a different consultant.
Good luck with it flower
Dellywelly xxxxx