
I wonder if anyone can help ive had mild lymphodemia for a decouple of years and manage it ok with regular massage and use the sleeve if it gets worse and for flying but today went out in a pair of wedge shoes and went over on my ankle and fell down and hurt my bad arm ive grazed it but its nit bleeding so should be ok but my partner helped me up and I gave him my bad arm as well as was in shock but now very uncomfortable n my arm hurts and is starting to swell a bit is ther any advice!!! Thanks rozita x


Hi Rozita, How horrible for you. It is so scary that on top of a nasty fall, you also have the additional worry of what this means for your Lymphodoema. I don’t pretend to be any kind of expert and have been fortunate enough not to have LD at the moment, but my mum had it quite badly and so I have always been quite worried about it. At one point ai managed to slice my bc side arm quite badly And went to the GP. She said, make sure you clean it well with antiseptic. The swelling might be bruising, so if you are able to do take them, anti inflammatories might help With that? If you are worried, I would ask for antibiotics which you can take as a safeguard. In fact I was told that unless I thought I was getting an infection, which I would see from redneas along the line of my veins on the inside of my arm, that there should be little risk of this, but I would still consider taking them to make sure that you don’t get any kind of infection such as cellulitis which can worsen your LD. Sending hugs. Keeping the arm raised was also advised x