Just needed to share my thoughts with people who can understand .I am BRCA carrier who has lost mum and 2 Aunties to ovarian cancer in my generation it seems to be manifesting as breast cancer I have 3 cousins who have undergone treatment for this.All under 50.
I have had to travel over 70 miles for screening as I am told there is no funding locally.I work within walking distance of my clinic.
I’m 47 now but Ive known for some time that I have the gene and when I had my hysterectomy I also opted for my ovaries to be removed.Ive suffered the effects of menopause (HRT for one year then It was hard)and now face deciding what to do next.I had my first mammogram in 6 years 2 weeks ago and am going next week for MRI.I just feel so irrational nervous and because I’m always so together and strong I just cant seem to speak to my friends and family.I have had tenderness in my right breast and 2cm soft lump which I’d not noticed but breast nurse did.She did say it was nothing to worry about.I am usually so posative and this is not like me .We’ve faced so much as a family and I just dont want to cause any more.
Hi there
How did your MRI go? I am BRCA1 positive too. I have just had preventative breast recon surgery (16th March 2009) and recovering well. Just popping my head back in here.
I never had the chance for an MRI and have been screened since I was 27 and now 35. I couldn’t live with my risk, I had to get them off - my danger boobs that is. If you want to talk to other people with BRCA gene or surgery or MRIs please drop by our support and social network BRCA Umbrella brcaumbrella.ning.com. We have 147 members now, blogs, reconstruction photos, online chat, forum etc.
Hope you are fine, but if you are feeling lonely, please shout loud, someone will hear you.
Take care
Leigh-ann x