Family History Telephone Support Group

Family History Telephone Support Groups (TSG):

are designed for people who are confirmed to be BRCA Gene carriers with and without breast cancer.

Our next Family History TSG group scheduled to run is for BRCA gene carriers without breast cancer starting on Tuesday 9th November 7.30-8.30pm for 6 weeks to 14 December 2010.

What can I expect?
· Sharing experiences
The aim of the group is to give you the opportunity to talk privately and confidentially to other people around the UK with similar experiences. Discussions cover issues such as coping with the impact your diagnosis has on your life, relationships, returning to work, money, as well as other people’s expectations of you.

· The chance to talk openly
Many of our previous group members said they’d been able to openly talk about things they couldn’t discuss with friends and family because they felt pressured to ‘be brave’ and not upset the people they were close to. At the end of the group you will have the chance to keep in touch with each other if you wish. Many of our group members are still in contact months and even years after their support group.

· Professional support
Groups are facilitated by a professional therapist and a breast care nurse to ensure everyone is fully supported.

How do I join a group?
All groups are completely free (we pay for the phone calls) and consist of up to eight people who meet weekly. As long as you have access to a phone and have a quiet private place from which to call, you can join us from anywhere in the UK.

To see if a telephone support group is right for you, please contact our helpline or request further information by using our online services request form.

Donna Gibbs

UK Group and 1:1 Peer Support Worker

Hello Jane

I do hope you don’t mind me contacting you. I read your story with such interest. I am 36 and I am Brac1 postive, in JUne 2009 I have a double masectomy and reconstruction, as my little boy was only 1 I decided to leave my ovaries for a while, however, I constantly worry about getting cancer and I am thinking of having key hole surgery. The consultants have told me that they will put me on HRT immedately because ive alredy had a double masectomy and they have assured me that I will fine. Please can you tell me in your most honest opinion how you are feeling now? I am so scared of early menopause but its the only option.

I really look forward to hearing from you.

hello pinkgiraffe im not sure who your message was to but just wanted to reply and wonder if any other brca positive people without cancer were around to support you.

im brca2 pos but had breast cancer twice… i was planning to have just my ovaries and tubes out 4 weeks ago but on the day went for a full hysterectomy. quite happy with my decision recovering well but have hot flushes which would be minimised on hrt.

im a bit older at 42 so if i can get away without the hrt ill be quite happy.

Lulu x

Can I just say it is frightening to think that it is no longer just family history that is a factor in your likehood of having breast cancer in your life time.

geraldine family history makes up only a small percentage of breast cancers the majority are sporadic.

so you have more chance of getting it by chance than because you have a family history of it…

the two main causes being… being female and getting older… and neither of those two things along with your genes can we do anything about.
