Family members isolating to avoid germs etc

I’m part way through neo adjuvant chemotherapy for TNBC and feeling the fatigue more than anything atm. Our 20 year old son is back from uni for the holidays and has been really kind about not going out with his mates in case he brings colds or worse home. However he has 2 opportunities coming up that I would be really sad if he missed. What have others done about family members isolating?

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I was never told that anyone in my household should isolate but that it was a case of the patient being cautious and sensible. All through chemo I didn’t hug or kiss friends and family and if we went out to eat I asked to be sat away from other people. I was told to stay within a certain distance of the hospital at all times which I did.
I wore a mask to shops and busy places and my husband and I used separate loos in the house.
I ended up on the cancer ward due to chronic diarrhoea and although isolated in my own room I managed to pick up covid while I was there. I think your biggest risk is hospital
Your son sounds like an absolute treasure.
I hope you get through the rest of your treatment ok
Best wishes xx

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Thank you for your reply. I think he should go and we’ll just hope for the best. I am bring hyper cautious myself but you are right that no one has said my family should isolate too. It just seems to make sense that they stay safe in order to protect me?


We haven’t taken any steps like that during my treatment, my husband has still been going out for his work do and Christmas events etc, and he’s still been playing league pool in the pub every Tuesday night. Like Jayesse I don’t kiss or hug people much, but the only thing my oncologist said was that I should avoid large crowds so other than that I’ve just carried on as normal :slight_smile:

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While I was having chemotherapy last Christmas, my adult children came to stay but not partners as they were mixing at lots of family gatherings etc. My children were eligible for Covid booster last year with me being immune suppressed but that is not been widely available this year. They already have flu due to asthma. One child arranged to work from home the week before so as not to catch bugs from work.

I was cautious during the pandemic due to existing health problem and worked in education and know you can catch many airborne bugs form others if in a room with poor ventilation. I wore a mask while having chemo, at all hospital or GP appointments and while shopping for food. I didn’t eat out during treatment as you can get poorly from undercooked food or poorly stored, so food at home I knew what had happened to it. I was told to avoid restaurants or takeaways I hadn’t had experience with and totally trusted. I was told to live within reason, avoid busy places such as indoor shopping malls and avoid people who were ill. Be careful with food preparation and cooking.

Many others on my chemo group went out and celebrated various things during their treatment, quite a few had children so attended children’s parties etc. My team didn’t want me to work in school during my treatment due to risk of infection but you can’t avoid your own children!

I think you have to do what is right for you, it’s hard to ask someone not to do something but then how would they feel if they bought a bug home and you were made ill or hospitalised? Your son has already done at lot to protect you and Christmas/New Year will happen next year. Talk it through with them, see if they can mitigate the risks eg plenty of ventilation, not standing too close to others and avoiding those who have an active cold, cough or sneezing.

We have such a quiet Christmas last year, I had only finished chemotherapy 2 weeks before and was in bed mid afternoon. But this year was totally opposite. No fear of mixing, I’d had my Covid and flu boosters. I had so much more energy, walked over 14000 steps, cooked the Christmas lunch, watch movies, chatted and had so much energy.

I hope you all have a good time whatever you decide.



Thank you. He’s going to go to the pub tonight with a few old friends but try and get a quiet corner but he’s not going clubbing on NYE. That feels like a good compromise.


We were told to carry on as normal. I didn’t wear masks. I have a toddler who goes to nursery so can’t avoid not being exposed to bugs. Luckily I only got ill once during treatment when I had to go to A&E due to temperature and got pneumonia.

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