Fantastic forum for BC sufferers

Fantastic forum for BC sufferers

Fantastic forum for BC sufferers Hello to all you women out there.
I just want to say thank you for the support I have had from when I was first diagnosed in February this year. Its been a year from hell, but I can at least say now that life is good. A month on from treatment, I feel fantastic and my attitude to life is very different.
Have booked a trip to Fiji for 7 nights late October as my ‘treat’!!!
There is no such forum in NZ, and living alone, I found it immensly helpful. I strongly advise other women to do the same.
I send my love and a huge hug to all of you out there battling the illness.
My advice is to take only little steps at a time, and do not worry about tomorrow.
Take care and much love

Great News! Hi Lulu

Just checked your profile, has anyone told you that you have a look of ‘Lulu’?

Anyway great news that you have now finished treatment, have a great holiday, you deserve it!!

Debbie x

Yes life is good… Hello Debbie
Yes when I lived in London, I was constantly stopped and asked if I was 'LULU"! It was great fun.
I see you have twins, I am also a twin.
Take care Debbie and hope you are doing just fine

Hi Lulu Hi there

Lucky you!!!
best of luck and have a super dooper holiday

oh and thanks for all your support tooooo

take care

so glad everything is going well for you, hope you have a great holiday .

Dawn xx