Tears of joy! Absolutely wonderful news and so pleased and thrilled for you …!!!HOORAH!
Love Julie x

oops! got so carried away I seem to hnave posted 3 times , and it’s still greatnews!

Brilliant news,so very leased for you!!!

HI saffronseed,
That is fantastic news,you must be so very relieved , am so very pleased for you. Heres to a great 2011.
Love Linda x

fantastic news over the moon for you
x x x x

absolutely fantastic news…am really pleased for you at the result but very angry for you at the original diagnosis.

Hi everyone thanks for your good wishes - its a full day now since receiving the good news. Two wake ups when I still ask my self is it a dream and my head is still mush from it all but I am sure the fog will lift soon.

yes virtual pitchforks, hobnail boots and mobility scooters are good weapons for now my ex onc - I have already got that divorce!

It does show if in any ‘doubt’ ask for a second opinion - I really was only expecting confirmation but in a ‘nicer’ way and what I got was a complete bombshell of good news

hugs to you all xxx

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! this is fantastic news. Seriously though what it does show is that if we are a bit unsure we question the medics opinion, they are human and whilst they do have knowledge they are not always right as your case proved.


I’m so pleased for you - but how awful to be told the wrong diagnosis like that! I hope you can enjoy your weekend and send you lots of love.
Annette X

Fantastic news, I’m so pleased for you - and what a shining example of not being afraid to take on the white coats…

We do need to realise that doctors are only human, and can jump to wrong conclusions - but even so, all doctors should have the decency to spend time with their patients and explain things fully - there is no excuse for not doing so. In this case though - maybe it’s a good thing your ex-onc was so bad at it - or you might not have heard the brilliant news that you have!

Sophie xx

Brilliant news Saffronseed,

Denise xxx