hi, im wondering if anyone has had faslodex paid for by their insurance company and if so which one? i contacted my insurance company today about faslodex but they wont fund it as its classed as hormone treatment.
Hi Danica, I had Faslodex for over 4 years and it was funded via my BUPA health insurance, I didn’t have any issues getting it covered. Although it acts against oestrogen is it classified as an hormonal drug? Not sure, perhaps that’s worth clarifying as you may find your current insurance will cover it if it can be called something else!
Good luck, Smartie x
Thanks smartie. Unfortunately, my insurance company are refusing to pay even after my oncologists best attempts to get them to pass it. Iv been quoted £1000 a shot, but I think its worth it as their seems to be alot of positive feedback on it. That’s good you have been using it for four years. Letrozole only lasted 6 months so need something else now.