Another lump has appeared, quite quickly, in my LD recon. I’ve had fat necrosis aspirated before and fully expected the Surgeon to do the same this time but instead he’s ordered a MRI. He said he was “fairly sure it’s fat necrosis” but wanted to get to the bottom of it instead of “sticking” me in several different places. I queried if he could feel more than 1 lump (I couldn’t) and he said no. I was at the clinic last month and had an Ultrasound FNA of a different area which turned out to be dead rubbish!
I honestly don’t know how to react. Part of me is going into my usual panic overdrive but I am at the end of average, beginning of high risk for recurrence. OH and daughters think he’s just being thorough, but MRIs are expensive…
Has anyone had a recurrence that was initially thought to be fat necrosis?
Hello there
yes I did have a recurrence last year and GP, bcn etc did think it might be fatty necrosis, but most people who are thought to have fatty necrosis, do - and you have a history of it. Good surgeons ARE thorough and I feel it sounds as though he’s just being careful.
I hope your MRI is done soon and your results are reassuring
keep in touch
monica xxx
Thanks for that Monica!
I’ve been invigilating this morning and the b…r is getting sorer and sorer. I only hope I get this drained soon.
Do you mind me asking what your symptoms were at recurrence?
my symptoms were another lump, below my scar, which was painful.
I hope I haven’t made things worse for you - thought long and hard before responding, but felt that it was better to respond than for no one to respond to you. You have to remember though that we are all different.
I hope very much you have a different outcome from me, but I know the waiting is so hard…
let me know how you are getting along
monica xxx
Hi Monica,
Thank you very much for replying. I’m insatiable for information, even when it’s something others would prefer not to know!
Slowly going crazy with the waiting for the MRI- 'phoned the Breast nurse yesterday and she said she didn’t know if the Surgeon had marked it urgent or not in which case it could be 2 or 3 weeks.
It’s ironic that I’m impatient for the horrible breast MRI anyway. I’ve learned to take my own music unlike the first time which had a mixed track including Cyndi Lauper, “Girls just wanna have fun”!!!