I am 4 months post DIEP single Mx. I saw the registrar today and asked about a hard lump (about 2 by 1 inch) in the base of my reconstructed breast. He said that it was probably fat necrosis, but is sending me for ultrasound just to double check. If it is fat necrosis, he said it might go down anyway, though I could help by massaging it, or he could drain it by liposuction, or try and break it up by inserting a needle. Just wondered if anyone else had experienced this and could offer some advice. TIA!
Hi morrisbird,
i also developed fat necrosis after left side mx with immediate ld flap reconstruction i had a large lump in reconstructed breast i massaged it twice a day with bio oil and it gradually became much smaller , although never completley went that was almost two years ago now . so i would advise you to massage it gently with oil and hope it disperses . best of luck linda
I have this,following my DIEP but either it is disappearing or I have got used to it.Certainly has not got any bigger!!!
I had my surgery Diep Flap on my left breast on 22nd of July 2015. Have been treated for infection, fat necrosis, and was asked by my surgeon to go for ultra scan tomorrow 24th of August 2015. I still have my wound that is still taking too long to heal. Can anyone please advice me and how long does it take Flap Op. to heal am getting a little bit anxious.
:smileysad: Thanks