fat necrosis

Has anyone suffered with fat necrosis and got any advice?i had lumpectomy 30th august and 23 radiotherapy ending 22nd november.6 days later i found a lump in my breast.have seen the surgeon today who says it is fat necrosis and should improve by itself.it is very tender though and wakes me in the night when i move.wondered how long it may take to go away?many thanks for any help you can give.Denise

Dear didi62

I have attached a link to some information about fat necrosis:


I hope this helps but you could also give our Helpline a call for some information and support about this. They are open from 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000 and all calls are free and confidential.

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Denise, I too have fat necrosis and the tenderness from it is slowly improving.
My original surgery lumpectomy was in Dec 2010, and post op I always had a dark coloured tender hard area just over the site of the lumpectomy. It was so tender for the first 12 months that my husband couldnt touch nor could my kids rest their heads against me.
After my first annual mammogram, a fine needle aspiration test confirmed the fat necrosis. It is now 2 years since surgery and i rarely think about it, it no longer hurts but there is still a hard area there which is tender if pressed.

Hope this helps, Truddles xx

hi Truddles thanks for your reply.that helps to know it could still be there for a while.i had hoped it would just disappear quickly !!gave me a terrible fright to find a lump so quickly after my treatment and no mention of this happening in all the many leaflets./booklets you get given.i will certainly be glad to get this year over with!best wishes to you Denise.