I had a left skin sparing mastectomy and Braxon implant prepectoral reconstuction at the end of November 2018. All has gone well apart from I have noticed a lot of rippling in the upper part of the reconstructed breast. I have been referred onto the Plastics Team for possible lipofilling for the rippling and just wondering if anybody has experience of this? If so has it been successful?
Thanks in advance
Hi Linda ,may be worth asking this question in the surgery section too.Hope you manage to get it sorted out.Jill.
I saw my plastic surgeon last week to discuss this.he recommends possibly 4 ops around 3 months apart to sort it out.
I did have a couple of failed implants before a DIEP in September last year which has taken its toll on my pectoral muscle which as a huge dent in it
I will be interesting to follow each others progress. X
Hi there how did things go. I had lipomodelling following on from skin sparing but not nipple sparing mascetomy of left breast in 2017 with immeadiate implant reconstruction. Early last year right breast was reconstructed to make it more symmetrical.
I experienced rippling in implanted breast and was referred for lipomodelling with nipple sparing graft. Fat was to be taken from stomach area and transferred to implant area. Operation was last week. I had op last week. There was discomfort and initially it was difficult to bend. I am in progress of recovery. There is bruising in stomach area along with swelling. I attended the dressing clinic in plastics where I was advised to allow things to settle down. It is possible that the nipple graft may have failed because the nurse not plastic specialist showed concern and consulted with a doctor. I got a follow up appointment next week.
Have you had op or are you still waiting. Can’t give much info about from advising taking time to recover fully before returning to normal activity e.g lugging bags of shopping about.