Have read Jane’s comment re fatigue.
I empathise totally and suffered post-chemo fatigue following my first round of treatments.This seemed to be for a far longer period than most people. It took years to feel anything like normal and the brain fog never really went.
However I seem to be suffering from similar extreme fatigue and debilitation even though not on chemo.Maybe it is the cancer!!
I am having 3 weekly herceptin and zometa and am on femara and zoladex. However I struggle to cope with fatigue on a daily basis. It is awful. I am trying to work but feel destroyed. Almost as bad as chemo, some days. Why can’t I cope??
Julie xx
Oh Julie I really feel for you…particularly as you’re trying to work. I think people do differ in how the fatigue affects them (just as some people still get very nauseous on chemo and others not much at all.
I feel chemotherapy ‘messes with my head’…I get very depressed, get horrible hallucinatory feelings, just feel dreadful, dreadful…its beyond tired…‘tired’ is such an inadequate word.
Julie, I know where you are coming from. I don’t feel I ever recovered my energy after chemo number 1, and chemo number 2 knocked me out completely.
Jane is right, “tired” isn’t the word. “Tired” has as much to do with how I feel sometimes as “a little bit fed up” has to do with clinical depression.
I try to go with it, rest when I can, but feel so fed up when it is sunny outside, the kids want to go sledging and I have no confidence in my ability to even walk to the local slope, let alone get up it.