Fatigue and Tamoxifen

Gnd i am going back on them tommorrow. Seeing oncologist monday. But they also said swap to another make of tamoxifen !!!

Thanks not sure on make names but going back on ones i have then see oncologist and swap to other make. Think it will be a few months. Glad i have a holiday coming x

Hi Ladies, I have been on Tamoxifen for just over two months and have constantly felt exhausted, had lower pelvic pain, hot flushes, palpitations, felt really depressed and been suffering from insomnia. Saw my onc on Friday and he has agreed to switch me to something else. Not sure what - he’s writing to my GP. I imagine it’s an aromatase inhibitor as I am having a bone scan. He told me to stop taking the Tamoxifen straight away and said I would be fine not to take anything for a couple of weeks. I do feel better already after two days of not taking them. We do need quality of life as well - I have just felt like a zombie for the last two months. Hoping what I’m switched to won’t be any worse!

I can not believe how relieved I am to find this post. Even though I’m 2 1/2 years in, I saw both a new onc and meno specialist who say, fatigue is not due to tamoxifen. I know it is. One day I was normal then I started tamoxifen/ Zoladex and all the symptoms started. Some hot better with time but the fatigue has worsened. It is so annoying not getting the acknowledgement that it’s the damn drug. I came close to quitting this wk but my friends dying with trip neg and for me it reminds me I have a choice and to keep going but I hate it. I want to throw knives and forks at it. It may not be the tamoxifen as my levels are still low coming off the Zoladex but it’s still validating to read the comments. If my onc said ‘yes: it’s the tamoxifen’ it would be easier to stay on it rather than worrying it’s something else and using public money with wasted tests and run arounds. Grrr!! The qual life versus gain (on individual relative risk) issue is very tough decision making! Hugs and love to you all xo

Hi Sheena, I changed on to Relon Chem. The fatigue seemed much better. I finished the pack today and have gone back to Teva, (as thats what pharmacy supplied) If fatigue occurs badly again will be phoning GP for another prescription stating relon chem

It’s so frustrating when Drs/ pharmacists deny the patient experience! Luckily there was a study done on it which backed up the anecdotal reports (where Arthralgia was concerned) :ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/20347307/ To think some people go off it where a brand change could make the difference. I couldn’t walk when I changed brands (still have all the other effects: I don’t use Nolvadex as in the study but genox: my cancer hosp confirmed it had the least excipients). Luckily they are not closed minded! :slight_smile:

Aww its same for me all kicking back in now i am back on them. Got swelling and pains in brest hoping its hormonal x

Hi everyone,

I started on Tamoxifen (TEVA) at the end of August. I did have various side effects that were a bit bothersome at first, but seemed to settle enough for me to “tolerate” it.

My new pack is Wockhardt and I am feeling dreadful - ready to pack in life!

I originally took 3 tablets from new pack,( just in case of problems!), before I had finished the first pack. This coincided with me visiting the dentist and possibly Zoladex side effects kicking in 2 weeks after receiving my first dose. The day after taking the 3rd tablet, I could not get out of bed until the afternoon- complete muscle weakness! Got someone to take me GP, who put it down to Zoladex side effects, not the different brand of Tamoxifen or after effects of a “heavy-handed scale and polish”!


I finished taking my original pack of Tamoxifen (6 tablets), was not too bad, still tired/drained, but could get out of the house and walk the dog!


I have now taken 4 tablets from the Wockhardt pack and am struggling to get out of bed and move about. Feel so out of sorts, that I want to stop all treatment!  I cannot do anything,I am that drained.

Decided not to take tablet tonight and try get to GP and ask for another prescription to get a different make (TEVA) hopefully. While it is not perfect I could still function on it!

If I cannot get the other make to try again, I cannot carry on taking Tamoxifen or risk getting the second dose of Zoladex.

I have no quality of life at present. It can’t be all in my head if others have had problems too!


Hi Magic, I’ve spoken to lots of women who have had quite significant side effects with one brand of Tamoxifen but not another.Teva generally seems to have a better track record.I would see if you can get another prescription from G.P if they specify a brand the chemist is supposed to try and get that for you , Boots ordered Teva for me, but I have heard it can be hard to get in some areas.Good luck you can’t continue feeling like this without swapping brands again and to see if it helps.

I have one pack left,did they give you any idea of whether this was going to be a short term issue Wemblo,it’s a pain when you have found brand that is manageable for you but can’t get it.

Good luck!!!



Reading this with interest as may have to go on to Tamoxifen as can no longer get brand of Anastrozole I have been taking.  I am interested to see the difference it has made to some people changing brands as this has been my experience with anastrozole.  I am lucky that my GP is excellent.  Suggest that you have a look at the excipients in the tablets.  I have a problem with Povidone which is an iodine derivative,  it is in some tablets and not others.  Worth a look.  I find it makes an immense difference.

Povidone is alos in many other tablets so if you have problems with others this may be the answer.  Hope this helps.

Great to see that study is being done! Can you tell me who’s conducting it?
I’m now 7 months post zoladex, hormone levels are still way down but even the small changes have made a difference to energy levels. My brain fog is a lot better now. I’m able to remember more words and connects are much better. Spatial awareness is almost back to normal. I’m not saying it’s not still there but for me I think Zoladex was really a double whammy! The last months I’ve been able to actually do evening activities: it’s such a relief. It’s still a hard slog but I’m seeing I can hopefully now make it to the 5yr.

Hi guys

i didnt realise that tamoxifen gave you fatigue i thought i was feeling tired just because i feel so low !!

Been on it now for nearly 2 months, the night sweats are manageable but thats probably because its cold, dreading them in the summer, and i dont think my concentration is brill but again put it down to getting used to the idea of Cancer!!

I will check the boxes though to make sure i get the same make.


hope everyone is well 

Di x