
I had my last radiotherapy on 1st April this year. It followed 6 cycles of Fec-T and then two surgeries. During one of the surgeries I suffered a bronchial spasm and had to be reintubated as I stopped breathing. I am on tamoxifen now. I didn’t go back to work till a month after the radiotherapy as I was so tired. All in all I was off for 10 months -I work in a day nursery.  I am now on a phased return and am coming home and falling asleep every day. I am shattered. The Dr has done blood tests but there is nothing wrong. I am trying to get fit and have started at the gym but that’s wearing me out too. It is starting to get me down as people don’t understand. Has anyone had similar?

Oh yes! I’m 3 weeks into a phased return after 2 WLEs, and rads. On Tamoxifen and sitting here wondering how I can summon up the energy to get to the bus stop, let alone do 4 hours work. I feel I should be feeling much better than this, so get frustrated with myself. Shouldn’t I be delighted to have treatment over and eager to get back to “normal”? It’s reassuring in a way to see others on here feel the same, but hard to get it across to others who seem to think it’s all over and done with.

I hope you feel better soon


Rose xx

Fatigue is very very debilitating. But things do get better. Get as much rest as you can. I now sleep till 10 or 11 at weekends and it really dies help.

Hi all. I had mx in July 2014, followed by 6 FEC-t chemo and 15 sessions of Rads. Came off work 1st July and returned on 9th March 2015. Have been working on phased return hoping to be back to full time by end June. It is getting easier although am in bed some nights before 9 and sleep in at weekends until 9.30. Listen to your body and rest when you need to.


Charity xx

Approximately a year since my treatment began.  I’m like one of those wind-up toys that starts off fast but slows down gradually. I spring out of bed in the morning full of energy (which is why I exercise very early in the morning because that way it gets it over and done with and I’m not tempted to ‘skip’ it later on in the day.)Tiredness still hits me sometimes, usually in mid-afternoon or around 7pm. The nurses did tell me to expect to feel tired but I don’t recall them mentioning that it would go on for so long, however I don’t stress about it. As Charity says just rest when you need to.