We had thought the invasion into my fatty tissue was under my arm. Before surgery today, WLE re ex as arranged, chatted with my surgeon and asked a bit more about it. The invasion is in the fatty tissue joining the chest wall. She was going to try and get at it today while she was in there.
Has anyone else had any experiance with this? Thanks in advance x
Hello? :o/
I had deposits in fatty tissue, but it was under my arm.
I think the main difference it made to treatment was that I had the full-works with radiation, including underarm. So I would assume that you’ll have radiation to your chest wall - if you’re having a mx?
Have you had surgery today then?? Did I understand that right?
x Jane
Hi Jane, yep I had surgery today. A re-ex of the WLE from last month.
I finished chemo in July, and this spread is from the tumor that was removed last month with the nodes. The spread came during chemo, which the surgeon could only decribe as dissapointing. Lump was still well over 4cms after FECT.
I’ll get the results from today in a couple of weeks and then will decide what happens next. I won’t have another WLE. I wanted a MX this time, but left it so late in the day. I’ll have rads after. I also have invasion in my neck too.
Hi Elttiks, hope ur feeling ok after your op today. I had a WLE & then re-excision where they did manage to get clear margins but if they hdn’t got them i would have gone for a MX.
Good luck with your results, i really hope they’re good this time & that u won’t need more surgery.