Hello lovely friends
I have been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021 and did surgery, chemo, radiotherapy. Having pre-existing problems and side effects caused lots of problems and recently it was fear of cancer return to my liver. It’s took 3 weeks to ruled out that possibility. I decided to use all my knowledge that I found during chemo about having healthier food and drink and went beyond my comfort zone and started an instagram page. Invited friends and family for challenges to give our liver a break.It’s working and every day despite all the problems that I’m dealing with, I make smoothies, easy recipes and transfer my knowledge in fun way to everyone. Great news cancer not returned but have to keep an eye on it . I feel so much better and my body seems more hydrated and stronger than before.
I would love to have you in my corner if you like to join me on instagram @living_beyond_bigc
lots of love