Feb 18 chemo

Hello everyone lovely hearing your posts and welcome cuddles. I’m now 7 days since my 1st FEC today is my best day I just feel very lethargic leather mouth back ache and sooo tired but so glad nausea had gone. Hospital rang me Friday and want to repeat bone scan in 3 months which has concerned me a little.

It is strange how some have injections to help immune system . My head is starting to get itchy ?.
Good luck for everyone xxx chrissy

Hi Chrissy

There is a thread for February 2018 chemo starters, which you may find easier to join.  I am sure you will get lots of support there.  Just click reply on any of the posts you would like to respond to or click on reply to thread which is a button at the top left hand side of the page above the posts.

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer